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Exactly. For example it would be 99x cheaper if you were going to buy $10.00 / day vs the Coinbase feature (don't get too excited, it's $0.99 in fees for Coinbase's out of the box feature vs $0.01-$0.03 in fees you'll hit by using the Coinbase Pro API). Definitely requires more set up and maintenance, but that's half the fun of it :)

Working on two chrome extensions! I've been putting some polish on one that enables you to mute people on Twitter (https://github.com/jeffreyiacono/penalty-blox). The other is not yet published (soon though) and lets you send tabs from your comp to your friend's comp. It's been pretty neat to be browsing around and have a new tab pop up that was sent from my friend who is using the extension too.

what does the ! do?

social sequel pro - very innovative!

Nice post! For anyone interested in seeing another sample, I wrote a chrome extension that leverages backbone as well a few months back: https://github.com/jeffreyiacono/penalty-blox

Very well done, it seems I was beat to the punch (updating the article now...).

I'm curious, did you do anything special to work around fresh API hits each time the popup is loaded (ie. LocalStorage)?

All data (account names and hash tags to remove) are stored client side in localstorage, so the extension doesn't query / load data from an external API like yours does. As a result, I haven't bumped into that "gotcha" yet. I do use a background page to bridge the popup's stored data with the content script that does all the heavy lifting (from what I remember). Just fyi on the localstorage adapter: leveraging the one from the Todo example on the backbone website. Thanks for giving me a shout out in your article, very kind of you.

I have another comment on this thread with an idea for future work (http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3631097). I'd be curious to know if leveraging background pages for containing the Backbone instance would be a clean way to handle persistence (of the entire app, not just data).

Have you ever looked at something like this?

yeah, the submission via email is not ideal, but for the mvp I wanted a basic submission feature so mailto fit the bill. I'll look to make it submit via browser this weekend! Appreciate the feedback

so a subscriber could get an email with a link to the current pup? I'd suspect not many people would want an email from me every hour. perhaps making it easy to toggle on / off would make that option more desirable? I could also integrate the site better with @hourlypuppy on tw. thoughts?

Some digital picture frames will accept an RSS feed. Why not make your site able to automatically update such a frame every hour?

Are there any companies out there offering RSS based image feeds, intended for such devices? One can imagine a digital frame hanging on a wall and the owner can subscribe to themed RSS streams. Owners might be householders, or companies looking for attractive wall art. A set of free streams could be offered, based on the Commons. There could also be paid or ad supported streams, based on proprietary images.

that's be pretty awesome. I know of the "rent physical art" services, but none that do what you described.

If you use HTML email, you can check if the last one was viewed -- and wait until it has before sending out a new email. A person might get 5 in an afternoon and one overnight.

ah brilliant. I like that

The email would preferably contain the image itself - an hourly shot of happiness. On my own site, I offer hourly/daily options for alerts, and a surprising percentage opt for hourly - I think you could do the same. It would get expensive using a third party mailing service like sendgrid - just sending mail from your server via Exim is pretty easy and costs nothing extra.

I have a feeling you could get a surprising number of subscribers, especially since the puppies would be super-forwardable...

Maybe have it send them a daily email with links and thumbnails of the past 24 puppies.

thanks :) if you have any other tag lines to add to the rotation, let me know!

I'd actually like to eventually enable it so shelters can put their pictures up for free. That way a visitor could view and then own a pup.

And that is how brilliant cross-promotions are born.

I wish I could up vote your comment more than once for picking up on that reference :) I'm from Vermont so that movie was a right of passage during my younger, hockey-playing years.

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