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I'm making an app with a Typescript+React front end and a Go back end. While in local development, I serve it with Vite. Could I use Deno in place of Vite+Node?

Isn't one of the biggest problems with these VR headsets the nearness of the display to the eye? It seems like prolonged exposure to this would result in myopia that would worsen faster than it does when exposed to screens that are farther away.

No. Your eye is generally focusing on infinity in a VR display, that's why myopic people need to wear glasses in VR.

How does that happen if the display is right up next to your eye?

Isn't it going to give people a terrible case of myopia to have a screen this close to their eyes?

The actual distance doesn't matter at all, only the apparent distance after taking into account the optics, your eyes can only see the latter. I don't know the number for the Vision Pro, but it's probably similar to most VR headsets at ~2 meters away, far better than most computer screens that people work at all day.

gab.ai lets you choose the AI character you're talking to, so you're not stuck with artificial race balancing or whatever political rectitude is fashionable.

I like the idea, but got this when I tried to run it on my Mac:

> lips node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:853 throw new ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND(packageName, fileURLToPath(base), null);

Unfortunately, I don't have access to a Mac. I can only run Safari at BrowserStack. So I can't test it and fix it.

But this is Open Source and anyone who has a Mac can test it and fix this issue. I can't.

And isn't it ominous how it's "Multi" and not just "Two"...

"Two" is a magic number that conflates the concept with implementation. Two-factor authentication is not useful because of 2, it's useful because of >1. "Multi-factor" lets us generalize to 0 factors (anonymous), 1 factor (weakly authenticated), and many factors (strongly authenticated).

And it will be called "geequal".

Well sure, because inflation comes from loans, and with high interest rates people are less inclined to take out loans.

To view this page without the annoying animations, I recommend printing it to PDF or paper. Safari reader mode doesn't work on it.

Kotlin does this.

As does Scala, Clojure, and C#.

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