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I was at 9/11. No, I don’t want passengers checking on, then never get back on.


GPT-4 writes 100% of my code now. Staring at a monitor, hunched over, tapping on a keyboard?

Stone ages. That’s not 5 years from now. That’s today.

You are either full of shit, or your "coding" is pretty basic, or your code is full of bugs and you don't care.

I can't trust GPT, and neither can you. But if it really can do all your coding for you, what stops your employer from replacing you with a secretary from a temp agency?

It's so stupid for engineers to say that ChatGPT codes for them. They are shooting themselves in the face. They are devaluing the entire profession. Why? My reaction to all those breathless online demos was to point out the difference between what they were showing and what an engineer really does. Your reaction is to act like being a prompt jockey is the new way of engineering. How does that give you pride in yourself?

Do you work much with legacy systems, internal libraries and work with a large team?

I do and ChatGPT code is rarely useful for me. I can prompt it well enough to do language related stuff for me, but the code it can write for me is more like a highly custom boilerplate that I still need to refactor.

Even for green field private projects, at first it looks fine, bit the bugs are more likely to be traced back to these snippets than not.

Can you elaborate what your process is? Some context would be nice as well. Like, what kind of language, what kind of project? I'm genuinely interested.

Pretty sure they're joking

I’m in the middle of Guatemala. The owner of the hotel is using GPT-4 to build out his marketing plan.

Some people get it, some people don’t.

And that’s OK by me.

Yes, it’s all kind of pudding. Which is cool.

To see real “hallucinations”, head deep into Oaxaca, magic ‘schroom communities. Be prepared to eat a lot of dirt too.

You will find what you seek. :-)

I’ve been in a virology lab leak, I’ve been in a lab hood explosion, I’ve been in a radioactive leak. This is on the island of Manhattan. Stuff happens. Some lab techs, it’s their first week in the lab, the person next to them? Decades of experience.

Accidents happen lots in laboratories. It not something we called the NYTs about. We cleaned it up, made sure safety protocols were in place. And went back to work the next day.

I’m pretty happy with Reddit. The voting system keeps the best posts at the top. The mods are a bit overzealous sometimes, one click and you can create your own Subreddit. Some of the more popular Subreddits say upfront, “This is a very heavy moderated subreddit.”

It’s not perfect, but workable.

The M3GAN movie has a scene where she is hit with a broom. Inspired by BD video director says.

‘Schrooms are 100% legal. You can stock up 3 blocks from the Whitehouse. Micro dosing seems to be big. Lots of Red, and Blue ties grabbing their prepackaged monthly supply on my last visit to DC.

Seems both political parties can agree on something.


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