If "it" is F'23, then none. GNU Fortran has had the "new" degree-unit trig functions for a while, but no compiler, FOSS or otherwise, has the newly invented features of this revision.
Fortran doesn't prototype features with real implementations (or test suites) before standardizing them, which had led to more than one problem over the years as ambiguities, contradictions, and omissions in the standard aren't discovered until years later when compiler developers eventually try to make sense of them, leading to lots of incomplete and incompatible implementations. I've written demonstrations for many examples and published them at https://github.com/klausler/fortran-wringer-tests/tree/main .
The title of the article is "LeCun's 2022 paper on autonomous machine intelligence rehashes but does not cite essential work of 1990-2015" but had to be shortened to fit the character limit of Hacker News titles.