Thanks this is a great recommendation - runs perfect in Wine. There definitely seems to be a habit with developers making calculators that still fall into a 70s form factor. This is a great departure.
I really do want to clone that thing, except cross platform, and enhanced with 64 bit native math. I want the same exact REPL calculator and function library running natively and starting instantly from a no-install binary on every platform I might ever touch.
Oh, and make it open source, so that people that know more than I about all things math can contribute. If you hadn't noticed, SpeQ Math is not open source.
There's always a comment like this I find. Some extra layer of data people want to see that explains the first layer, and it never ends - the data on data. Sometimes we just want to know the damn burrito prices and don't care about the excuses.
If you want to know the burrito price, you open the app/website and look at the burrito price... you don't go to a "Taconomics" website comparing taco prices across a continent. As it stands, there are a number of uncontrolled variables that mean this is not an effective analysis of "How economical is your local Taco Bell?"
What! You can't say that if Ritchie hadn't creating things, someone else who have... and then proceed to make Jobs as an exception to that rule. There's 100x Jobs out there for every Ritchie. One could say something even better than the iPhone may have happened if Jobs was never born, and that he held us all back with his visions. Who really knows in this simulation.
Just like some people are hypnotized by the Steve Jobs reality distortion field, you are blinded by your dislike for Steve Jobs and it is impossible to calmly talk about the things he created. All that is left is a screaming match ‘my guy is better’ ‘no my guy’. That is useless.
Great point! Ignoring some of its flaws (proprietary, upfront download, etc.), Flash ushered in an explosion of creativity, motion and fun and was way ahead of its time. My first web job was working with Flash and was the most fun I've ever had at work. The power and devX of using one tool to design, code, animate, and publish is still unmatched in the modern HTML/JS world. Think about it: we were able to build and deliver fully-interactive games and content — with music and vector animation — over dial-up Internet! ... that's 56 kbit/s! I feel that only now (almost 20 years later), are web standards, tooling, and browsers finally catching up. Yet the devX is still lacking.
All of that multimedia experimentation was a good time. I remember being the destination for tutorials and actionscript snippets, I built dozens of Flash sites. It was also popular for awhile to burn Flash packages to mini CDs, they would autoload as a multimedia brochure or portfolio etc.
I'm glad we moved beyond this. It was ultimately the wrong direction for the web, but we had some fun along the way.
He/She owns the monitor. But the resale is instantly 10-20% of the purchase price once opened. So we're sinking money very fast either way - through owning or "renting".
This guy still doesn't get it even after spending 200k. The lesson should have been "does it solve a problem" and "how do I add value where others haven't". None of those other lessons matter if there's not answers to those questions. Really it's best to just stick to working for others if those concepts elude you to this degree.
I would love to do this except it's usually my hands that are coldest, and I need them out to type on keyboard majority of time. Thus I have a space heater in my office.