At the time of abandonment, the ship may not be seaworthy. If it requires more repairs or fuel than the crew can afford from their own resources, then they cannot move the ship.
Reminds me of a game that I played on Apple II a very long time ago. Can't remember the name but, it was a very basic two player shoot artillery at each other game and I loved it.
If we don't regulate behavior at some level, and continuously pursue "freedom" over all else, our society will not be acting in the best interests of its people.
I notice that you don't have a response for 1. I understand, because, it's very challenging to solve real problems like preventing all gambling over the internet. In which case, it's easier to regulate it for fairness than to have it remain underground and completely unregulated; that's not good enough for some people though.
Do you disagree with the article or did you just not believe it? Because, Gembe denied publishing the source code and there was no evidence that Gembe is the one who published it.