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Seems like this would depend on some storage guarantees, but I can’t find anything about that

Correct, the workflow's guarantee to always complete executing independent of process/hardware failures is dependent on the database not losing data. You host your workflow code with Temporal's Worker library, which talks to an instance of the Temporal Server [1], which is an open-source set of services (hosted by you or by Temporal Cloud), backed by Cassandra, MySQL, or Postgres. [2] So for instance increasing Cassandra's replication factor increases your resilience to disk failure.

[1] https://github.com/temporalio/temporal

[2] https://docs.temporal.io/clusters#persistence

Sometimes I'm not sure what the point of these Mercator criticisms are. GDP per land area is kind of more interesting, in that if you have a lot of land, but not much money, then there are probably a lot of desolate or lawless areas. https://ssz.fr/gdp/

I was hoping to see an emacs macro operating a water pump or something.

Bad parenting is like water flowing, it doesn't need any particular justification in order to be enabled and find a way to manifest itself

Ironically, the INS Act of 1965 was sold to the public with a lie: https://www.history.com/news/immigration-act-1965-changes

> The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants,” lead supporter Sen. Edward “Ted” Kennedy (D-Mass.) told the Senate during debate. “It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.”

Why not just break the ships up in Western countries then? For Western countries to impose their safety and environmental regulations on other countries is denying them their sovereignty. The whole system of growth of nations and their economies is built on the fact that developing countries don't have to play by the same rules until they want to, or they have something to lose (in a reciprocal fashion, like with IP rights). In a trade regime, they're supposed to be punished when they engage in mercantilism, not self-sacrifice.

This is rude for pretty obvious reasons.

It should also be obvious that maintaining two households is significantly more expensive than one. So excepting the cases where both parties reconstitute a household, these folks are on average poorer than their married counterparts in societies with minimal divorce. Further, the rate of failure to pay full child support in the US is high, like over 50%.

I built my router and NAS from NixOS. It was a mostly pleasant experience. Being able to sit in an IDE on my laptop, and build up a server, incrementally pushing changes to it, with rollback if necessary, was great, and I wouldn't want to go back to anything else.

I wrote about the router here. It's pretty heavy on router stuff, and my own thoughts though...


Wow that is cool. I have been wanting to build both a router and a NAS and run nixos on them since I run nixos for everything else I do. Thanks for writing and sharing about your experience!

Excellent read, thank you! Just in time, I have been eyeing one of those tinyminimicro pcs to replace OpenWRT with Nix.

Could you share more details on push_to_router.sh? Is it a wrapper around calling nixos-rebuild through ssh?

Yes, although later I learned I could do it in a one-liner. Here nixconfig is a folder with all my nix files:

  tar -czf - nixconfig | ssh \
    'tar -zxf - && sudo cp -r ./nixconfig/* /etc/nixos/ && sudo nixos-rebuild --show-trace '"${rebuild_flag} ${name_flag}"

If you're ok with building locally and not on the target host, this is simpler:

nixos-rebuild --flake .#foo --target-host root@foo --build-host localhost switch

Deploy-rs is a great alternative. It works as wrapper on top of flakes, local (optionally, cross-) building and copying closures to target machine with activation:


These days, that's all included in nixos-rebuild itself, not much need for wrappers anymore. I migrated from Colmena to just nixos-rebuild.

Huh, I guess I was woefully behind on changes to nixos-rebuild. Thanks for the pointer, I will check it out

One thing nixos-rebuild doesn't get you is a secrets transmission mechanism. I've been dabbling to build something independent of NixOS/Nix that would still do that neatly...

May I suggest agenix? It dovetails into my deploy-rs flake setup very nicely and I can track the encrypted secrets in the flake repo.

I keep the "master" key encrypted in pass passing it in a zsh's "=" subshell to agenix.

This is fantastic reading and never really through to use nix for a router.

I'm finding that if I'm willing to wait a month, I can get the same crap From AliExpress for half the price. But if you know what to search for, you can find quality goods, VESSEL screwdrivers from Japan for instance.

If you are so inclined, you should make an essay on how you do this and post it to HN. I bet many of us would be interested!

Yep. In the past few months I've bought tools from VESSEL, Wera, Wiha, Tekton, Milwaukee, etc., all from Amazon. No issues with anything there.

I like CPOoutlets for american tools and KCtools for the german ones.

For tools and other big ticket items- I'm scared to deal with Amazon when I need warranty work

Awesome. Thanks for the heads-up!

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