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Agreed. I find it interesting that "silence is violence" people are assuming that silence means you agree with the opinions being expressed around you. So if you're in an echo chamber with those same people, while they chant slogans or pat each other on the back about whatever their issue du jour is -- if you're silent, by their logic, theoretically you're agreeing with them. But in practice, they think you being silent is disagreement, not silent support as is assumed for everything else except their views.

Just adding a small correction: you might be thinking of Bitlocker for FDE -- Bitwarden is a password manager. Thanks for the details on the other stuff, I didn't know what Whonix and Heads were

Adding another rec for Worm, "There Is No Antimemetics Division", Worth the Candle (protag was annoying but overall world building got me invested). Also add "Mother of Learning" to the list!

Mother of Learning is practically D&D porn. Also I love the magic system. If we ever get deep dive VR games, I want to be in the MoL world.

I quite like WotC all the through, although it definitely changes... "tone" over time?

It starts as one thing, but by the middle it's much more clear that it's a therapy exercise for the author that got wonderfully out of hand. There's a lot more talking through issues and emotions as you get deeper in. The author's next major work ("this used to be about dungeons") is same-same-but-different; it's lighter-hearted, almost FRIENDS.

MoL is great and pretty consistent in vibe all the way through; IMO the protag goes from kind of insufferable to a stand-up guy. Quite a good romp to scratch that "creative solutions with magic" itch.

> Game development is a lot more than programming. If someone is just making projects on their own, it really doesn't matter much if the code is "good" or not. You just gotta have a game that works.

Balatro, a recently-released solo-dev indie game, is a great example of this. I saw two tweets the other day that, together, support your point: "Balatro has a 5000 line if-else chain"[0] and "in the 3 months since Balatro has launched, it has been collectively played for a total of 6200 years"[1].

[0]: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/1cbcmr0/how_is_it_... (couldn't find the twitter link directly but summarized it from this reddit post)

[1]: https://x.com/LocalThunk/status/1794876280997036443

One trick I've found in Word specifically: press Ctrl+v to paste, then hit Ctrl, then hit 't' -- this is the key sequence for paste->open paste options->use plaintext.

You can do the same thing by pasting, then click on the little box that pops up next to your pasted text, then clicking the text option.

I vape and mostly stick to unflavored juice. I notice that my cardio is slightly worse than before, but mostly offset by playing cardio sports 1-2 times per week. It's more noticeable when doing extended cardio activities, like hiking -- when doing sprinting sports (tennis or racquetball for example) I feel fine.

One thing to note about juices: the basic composition of most is some amount of vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, nicotine, and flavoring additives. Unflavored juices are just VG/PG+nicotine, and both VG/PG are food-safe substances widely used in medicine, food, and skin care products. Though of course, inhaling aerosolized VG/PG is worse than inhaling clean air. Nicotine has some adverse effects like vasoconstriction (my fingers/feet get cold more easily these days) but is offset for me by its positive effects on alertness and mood.

The nice thing about vaping unflavored juices (make sure you check the ingredients list) is that you skip the flavoring additives, which are less researched in terms of health effects and less regulated. Also, there is no smell. Obviously a creamy or sweet vape will smell better than cigs, but the scent can still be overpowering or unpleasant for people around you.

Overall I agree with the other posters: vaping is better than smoking, and not doing either is best.

In past Ask HN threads I've seen recommendations for Lunch Money (https://lunchmoney.app/) and You Need A Budget (https://www.ynab.com/). I can't personally speak to them as I use GnuCash, but I don't recommend it for you because it does not do automatic sync as you requested.

I'm biting the bullet and moving to GnuCash myself. It seems intimidating at first but playing around with the UI made it less scary.

As I get older I'm also just doing fewer transactions in general, so it's easier for me these days to keep a hold on manual entry.

It usually shows up as stars so I don't need to worry about other people seeing it, see: hunter2

Jokes aside, I memorize my password manager's master password, and have it written down in a notebook but in a different glyph set (Idk the scientific name). It's not ciphered or anything so can be decoded, but the chances of somebody recognizing Elian script are fairly low, I think, and recognizing something like Royal House of Riftgard script even lower. And if you use something like Elian script it can be obfuscated further by stylistic alterations. That, combined with a rotating cipher, even something like rot13, is probably enough to defeat all but the most determined attackers, in which case I'll have bigger things to worry about, like the XKCD wrench (https://xkcd.com/538/)

I use Twitter, anon account with very loose opsec.

I mostly follow individuals on personal accounts, meaning few to no managed accounts (corporations, politicians, professionals with any kind of product or course to sell) or accounts with a heavy emphasis on narrative making (journalists, activists, politicians, tech marketers, crypto enthusiasts, VCs/startup people).

Twitter is how I ended up joining a group chat interested in psychology and discussing e.g. practices for better communication, emotional maturity; a group chat around cooking and sharing tips; and otherwise having nice interactions within a loosely-stable group of people with shared interests. Most were accounts <300 followers and/or <300 following.

I'm not too concerned with anything big enough to be considered news (which is how I interpret what you mean by "public conversation"), as it usually filters into my timeline 2-3 days (or even weeks) in advance of print/broadcast media anyway.

I guess my point is, the key for making Twitter a positive experience for me is forgoing big accounts, like video game streamers, TikTok/Instagram influencers, and news-/politics-/special-interest-focused brands, and mainly seeking real individuals with shared interests. One big indicator is a high ratio of their own tweets vs retweets -- if an account is mostly retweeting things (often will be tweets on polarizing topics from polarizing accounts) and not really tweeting stuff like "I've been reading X programming book" or "I've been getting into Y hobby, and like Z about it", I either ignore the account or turn off retweets from them.

edit: removed some content relating to politics/news, trying to keep this message focused on twitter itself/how I use it/tips I hope are useful.

re: GPT4 degrading --

From this recent study: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2307.09009.pdf

> For example, GPT-4 (March 2023) was very good at identifying prime numbers (accuracy 97.6%) but GPT-4 (June 2023) was very poor on these same questions (accuracy 2.4%).

There is more in the study but I just grabbed a short snippet as an example.

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