The pagers do give Israel a certain veneer of plausible deniability that they wouldn’t otherwise have if they had used more traditional bombing methods.
Literally everybody in the entire world believes Israel is responsible for this. An Mk-82 bomb dropped from a bomber would have more deniability. This was a joke about Israel's tactical signature back when James Mickens included it in a Usenix Security throwaway paragraph back in 2014. There is absolutely no deniability here, unless someone very powerful is deliberately trying to frame Israel (which is not what is happening).
There are so many “copaganda” TV shows in the US it’s wild. I bet every American could easily name 10 off the top of their head and that wouldn’t even begin to scratch the surface.
I think it’s one thing to build your own insanely dangerous exploration device and try it out yourself but to try to make money by selling people tickets for rides on it is far beyond mere “experimenting”. There’s also the very substantial public cost of rescuing the victims of these short-sighted ”experiments”.
I think it’s more along the lines of “learn from the experiences of others”. It’s my understanding that there are quite a lot of very smart people who have spent decades figuring out how to build these things relatively safely. This company decided to ignore the existing knowledge base entirely because what the industry had learned was expensive and inconvenient for a fledgling tourist company.
What’s that analogy about taking down a fence without understanding why someone put it up in the first place?
I believe he also mentioned they were “lost” for a few hours when they lost communication so perhaps all hope is not lost for the people currently on board.
We can’t completely stop people from smoking either. But we can prevent people from starting and we can perhaps prevent those who have already started from increasing their consumption. Slowing down the rate of use by banning advertisements isn’t “hypocritical virtue signaling” it’s a real, measurable improvement. Perfection is the enemy of progress.
Can someone clarify how they decided to feature these 5279 subreddits? Are these the subreddits whose mods decided to participate? Or are these the largest subreddits? Or is there some other factor?