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The connection is that while coding you get the contents through a visual representation, it's the same connection between any content and the medium through which comes to you.

> If you've got a way to compile Ruby to JS that has tolerable arithmetic perf and doesn't do type analysis or generate a huge volume of code, I would definitely like to know more about it.

Yeah, that's kinda the point, you can do that and preserve Ruby semantics?

Let me note here that is a strawman indeed, Dart has frozen classes, Ruby is a bit different. In order to do something like that you should inline a ton of ternary operator to check if the method has been redefined on that particular object.

Something like:

    (a._isNumber && !a._plusRedefined) ? a + 1 : a['$+'](1)
plus listening on new method definitions to set `_plusRedefined`.

It's definitively a trade off, readability will suffer.

Opal had optimized operators in the past (that assumed native operations on numbers), they could even be back in the near future. But what I see here is a comparison of two different language semantics. I agree that “compiling to JS is hard”, but I don't think that this demonstrates anything. What can be argued instead is that JS VMs could and should do that for us.

It's not just readability that suffers. Even inlining the check like you do here, what you have will be dramatically slower then raw arithmetic.

(My hunch is that your inlined check would actually be slower than just calling the method, actually. If you just do a method call, the inline caching will optimize it away in many cases.)

> I agree that “compiling to JS is hard”, but I don't think that this demonstrates anything.

All I was trying to demonstrate was just that. If you want a new language that runs in a browser, you can have:

    1. Different (presumably better) semantics from JS.
    2. A simple compiler that generates readable JS.
    3. Performance competitive with raw JS.
But you only get to pick two. CoffeeScript picks 2 and 3 (though it does subset out some of the bad JS behavior). Dart picks 1 and 3. Opal (from the very little that I know about it) seems to be picking 1 and 2.

By belief is that for a client-side language (i.e. a language that runs on the end user's hardware, which you don't control), that you don't have the luxury of sacrificing perf. You can in a server-side language since you can just throw more hardware at it. That's why languages like C++ still dominate client-side apps and games.

Given that, I don't think a language that targets the browser can really discard #3 and expect to get a decent number of users. Given that I love different languages, I'd be happy to be proven wrong here.

I had the same fear at first, but actually if you generate dynamically a method name you need to use `#__send__` (and friends) to call it.

Of course `#__send__` supports method_missing: https://github.com/opal/opal/blob/0-6-stable/opal/corelib/ba...

worth it

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