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My phone has a bottom panel... a left 'menu' touch screen area, a right 'back' area, and in the middle is a home button. Galaxy S6! Before that I used a droid and it had a nice optical joystick/center button.

I die inside a little when I have to use gestures to 'go back' whenever I must borrow an iphone.

I don't see the point in the entire front of a phone needing to be a screen also.

And audio jacks are just gone now from phones. Horrible designs and impractical decisions forced upon comsumers.

The fact that buttons reappearing on phones is now noteworthy is just hot garbage, it is all nonsense trends.

The back button situation on iPhone is easily the worst thing about the device IMO. There's not even a universal gesture.

I think that the Android panel works well, no need for a physical button, it'd be too fatiguing I think to use over and over.

I don’t know about universal, but every app I just tried went back to the parent page when I swiped in from the left side of the screen. This included apps from Apple, Google and Microsoft, along with some random others.

But android still lacks a forward button, and instead has two buttons (square and circle) that I can never tell apart.

Maybe some sort of new enrollment/payment system, like the religious practice of giving to your church a % of your income... The same could be done in a UBI society.

Because the amount of UBI in dollars received will change over time, expressing it as a percent will work. Let's call it UBIC or UBI-Cent for 1/100 of your UBI. Maybe a fully pledged 100/100 UBI would be UBID or UBI-Dollar.

Let's say you have a platform for teaching and learning, and students subscribe to their teachers and peers by literally pledging their UBIC to them.

Within this system, students have a means to live and study using their UBI, and teachers the same. Imagine liking the work your friend is doing, so you pledge them 1 UBIC. Or finding a teacher with a good price to match your situation.

I feel like there is room for entirely new systems of teaching/learning in a society where everyone has their minimum financial requirements fulfilled and is not going to starve.

I abuse chatgpt for generating erotic content, I've been doing so since day 1 of public access. I've paid for dozens of accounts in the past before they removed phone verification in account creation... At any point now I have 4 accounts signed into 2 browsers public/private windows, so I can juggle the rate limit. I receive messages and warnings and do on by email every day...

I have never seen that warning message, though. I think it is still largely automated, probably they are using the new model to better detect users going against the tos, and this is what is sent out. I don't have access to the new model.

Just like porn sites adopting HTML5 video long before YouTube (and many other examples) I have a feeling the adult side will be a major source of innovation in AI for a long time. Possibly pushing beyond the larger companies in important ways once they reach the Iron Law of big companies and the total fear of risk is fully embedded in their organization.

There will probably be the Hollywood vs Piratebay dynamic soon. The AI for work and soccer moms and the actually good risk taking AI (LLMs) that the tech savvy use.

I’ve been using a flawless “jailbreak” for every iteration of ChatGPT which I came up with (it’s just a few words). ChatGPT believes whatever you tell it about morals, so it’s been easy to make erotica as long as neither the output nor prompt uses obviously bad words.

I can’t convince o1 to fall for the same. It checks and checks and checks that it’s hitting OpenAI policy guidelines and utterly neuters any response that’s even a bit spicy in tone. I’m sure they’ll recalibrate at some point, it’s pretty aggressive right now.

Sounds like dataannotation.tech

I did weeks of training, evaluations, etc, but they don't ever communicate if you are rejected, or why, or any real message at all. Just a checklist that you complete and wait for checkmarks to appear in a few days, and again, and again. This site somehow is listed first on job search websites so it cannot be a scam, but this has been my experience.

I applied to help a friend who is looking to see if I should recommend it. I did not recommend it for reasons you state. Guess it is just data collecting on skills, worth selling to recruiters.

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