Because the right wing uses messaging that encourages people to think by analogy instead of thinking by first principles.
They pre digest and select information and feed those to the reptilian layers of their audiences' brains rather than present detailed information so that people can make decisions by themselves.
That's why most of their messaging is driven by fear: fear of other countries, fear of other people with different skin colour, fear of being replaced, fear of their women marrying or mating with minorities, fear of their jobs going away to other people.
Still with all their fear, right wingers prefer to listen to someone who pre-digests information for them rather than thinking by themselve, as long as that person's messaging is in sync with their fears, as long as their brains confirms the thoughts that are analoguous to their fears.
That is why the right wing has such an assortment of people with vastly different abilities. The range goes from Donald Trump (self-proclaimed stable genius, also Emperor-with-no clothes), Dave Rubin (Stokes fear for Koch money), Kellyanne Conway (everything for money), Fox "News" hosts (money money money and white like me or trying to be), Candace Owens (black but gimme da money and I'll say anything against my people), Alex Jones (just plain crazy but gets his money selling bone broth), to Jordan Peterson (education is evil but I'm an intellectual) or Steve Bannon (Schemes like Codfix).
These people appeal to right wing audiences because they think they are a diverse group and thus have concensus amongst a broad swath of society while the only thing that they really have in common is hate.
In reality the USA has always been right wing to some degree, but now that part of American culture just like the rest is spreading to other countries because of measures such as the spread of poverty, cuts to government services, cuts to education, offshoring and their governments just having zero plans for the benefit of local populations in the near of far future.
Cooperation works better than antagonism. I think Italy will gain more from cooperating with China and the Belt and Road initiative than if they listened to the Trump Administration simply because the USA as no plan whatsoever for the future and neither does the European Union in some way.
I used this in the mid- to late-90's on my 80386 (which was very much out of date at the time, but was all I had). I was very new to computing at the time, and the only other languages that I had under my belt were QuickBASIC and 80386 assembler, so I can't comment on if it were a "good" language or not. After less than a year, I ended up abandoning it, preferring to use QuickBASIC for high level, and machine language for low, not feeling like I needed the intermediate C--.
Donkey.bas was most likely written as an educational exercise, although IBM ordered it. Microseft needed to show people how to code with their interpreters and compulers too, so Donkey.bas is not that sophisticated.
Gates was responsible for writing the first Altair Microsoft BASIC interpreter, except the bootloader, the software for the Kyotronic clones (designed in collaboration with Kay Nishi and licenced to Kyocera, Tandy and others).
Gates also had ample experience in programming minicomputers such as DEC PDP series together with Paul Allen.
You can read all about it in all the Bill Gates biographies out there.
I've had to edit the title in El'Reg style because the original title was too long "Furious Apple revokes Facebook's enty app cert after Zuck's crew abused it to slurp private data"
There's really no need to destroy anyone over it. There are worse things in the world to get mad about.
It's cool that such opportunities exist - basic capitalism. I always thought that Facebook should ether hare revenue for great content with its users (who they like to call their "community" but apparently their door swings only one way) or that companies should emerge that pay users to share ads to their followers as predicted by Bill Gates in "The Road Ahead" and "Business at the Speed of Thought".
As an option for everyone, not just a select few influencers. You're more likely to buy a Lenovo Carbon laptop if one of your friends post an ad about it than if Kylie Jenner posted about it.