As I understand it, ES and CQRS are somewhat orthogonal concepts (although they are indeed often used together). It's perfectly legitimate to implement CQRS without using event sourcing at all.
The only thing CQRS dictates is that a system's read models are separate from its write models.
That's very true, but the benefits of ES come on the write side of the equation. Expecting it to solve read-side problems will inevitably lead to disappointment.
I learned a lot from reading the Perkeep [1] codebase (formerly Calimstore). One of its core developers is Brad Fitzpatrick (former Golang team member) so you can be fairly confident it’s idiomatic Go.
Tailwind is not for me, simply because I don't want to have to learn yet another DSL that may or may not be abandoned in the future. I understand this is a personal decision though, but I've been burned too many times by fads.
My ideal CSS solution which doesn't seem to exist yet:
- Be able to write plain old CSS in JS/TS directly within a React component's tags, with a JS object literal
- Automatically generate atomic classes for each CSS rule (or block of rules) and have the system reuse those rules when the same styles are used elsewhere (no rule duplication means smaller bundle sizes for SSR, plus you get the semantic clarity of using plain CSS rules)
- Compiled, with zero or near-zero runtime overhead and critical path extraction, all cacheable by the browser. I don't want a huge runtime just so that I can dynamically apply a background colour.
The thing that comes closest to this is probably something like Linaria [1], but it relies on tagged template literals instead of object literals which means I can't use autocompletion. Their API for dynamic styling also relies on HTML data attributes, which is a little clunky.
Stiches [2] is another interesting project, however adoption doesn't seem very high and it seems to create superfluous wrapper nodes which can cause performance degradation in large VDOM trees. There's also no mechanism to colocate styles within a component's tags.
CSS Blocks [3] looks very promising also, but it doesn't allow co-location of styles with React components (you need to make a separate CSS file for each component).
Facebook's stylex might also be interesting to you. No idea when (if ever) they will release it, but one thing it does is compile all the css down to atomic classes
Eh, as a non-IDE user myself, I think you’re being a bit harsh as I don’t think that was the spirit of the author’s comment at all. In fact I found it to ring quite true and if there was any name-calling, I certainly did not feel offended. The fact is there is a certain luddite-esque aesthetic to working in a simple modal editor like Vim (or Emacs in your case) and everyone invents their own dogma to follow, to a certain extent. I happen to find that there is merit in using simple tools, and latent benefits like really getting to know a code-base in a way that predictive fuzzy autocompletion will not allow me to do. There is no global optima when it comes to people’s workflows, just individuals finding what works best for them.
I use fzf[1] for all my project navigation needs. It integrates very well with vim. You can get a quick recursive look at everything in the CWD with a stroke of a key and the fuzzy matching is instantaneous.
Yup, this is also my setup and workflow, and I also agree with what you say about VSCode feeling 'confining'.
This is probably just a matter of opinion/preference, but I feel like an editor should simply be an editor -and IMO there is no better editor for turning thoughts into code with minimal friction than VIM/Neovim. The OS functions perfectly fine as an IDE for everything else.
It has a huge database of modern Chinese TV shows (ranging from ancient dramas to modern CSI-esque crime).
But the greatest part about it is that it has a "learn mode" that provides instant translations when you hover over characters you don't know, and pauses the show automatically [1].
Didn't downvote you, but I believe the excitement is over FoundationDB's ability to perform ACID compliant distributed transactions without sacrificing performance -which to my knowledge no current RDBMS or even NoSql can do.
> The technique I use is to work on my "novel". I guess my mind knows I've been "working" on it for over twenty years, it's not important.
Not sure if you meant for this to be funny, but I laughed out loud at this because i do the exact same thing. I too can fall asleep within two minutes anytime, anywhere, while "working" on my "novel".
The trick is to never go to sleep with the actual intent of going to sleep. You go to sleep with the mentality of finally, some time for myself to just lie here and work on this project in my head. I work on fleshing out my little fantasy/sci-fi world or solving problems related to my pet programming project. I drift off seamlessly within minutes.
Attempting too hard to sleep is self-defeating; ironically, the stress of actively trying to sleep will prevent you from doing just that.
The only thing CQRS dictates is that a system's read models are separate from its write models.