How dare to question the great and powerful Orange One!! His great coming was fortold in the book of Revelation, wherein he cuts the heads off of the Magnificent Seven. He, the great Orange One, is the 8th head that is part of the seven but is destined to destroy them and ride off on a white horse.
5 year later show the same two balls and say you will give the kid an ice cream if it picks the same color. Obviously give the ice cream no matter the pick ...
I remember a lot of my toddler years. I also remember coming out of what, looking back, feels like a dream-like state that was much simpler emotionally and cognitively but had almost a hallucinogenic feel before "waking up" as a toddler.
I believe I remember trying to say a word and being frustrated that parents wouldn't wait and gave up just as I was about to utter the sounds, or something along those lines, it's really a vague memory of having a memory at this point.
The rotors push the pads away from the surface if the slides and spring clip seats are maintained. I have seen many unbalanced brake systems with uneven pad wear of all kinds due to rust/dust/heat impacting the system.
The default for drum is less friction (gap increases, takes more pedal) over service life whereas pads default to more friction (slides gunk up and spring clip faces rust and swell) from failing to retract as well.
Emissions standards have been deleted. Finally. I'm convinced they were going to greatly increase the environmental issues. After having improved emissions for decades they had no where else to improve and started building really complex engines with extreme maintenance requirements and very low reliability compared to the late 1990s. Modern trucks are throw aways compared to mid-1990s Ford and late 1990s GM. Nissan went out of business and Toyota isn't much of a player for towing capacity and value. Stellantis products have been a joke for years except for maybe the Charger and Wrangler for a time. Lots of high dollar junk being foisted on consumers right now.
I don't quite understand... you're saying it's a good thing if car manufacturers are allowed to pollute as much as they want in a race to the bottom? You prefer reliability in your vehicles over your children's health?