Have never tried it personally, but this talk made me think collaborative editing is a solved or close-to-solved problem in Emacs: https://emacsconf.org/2023/talks/collab/
Nice work, one thing (which you'll see everywhere once you've fixed it yourself) though: in TeX you want to escape functions like cos, i.e. use "\cos" not "cos", which will get rendered as a product of 3 variables c, o and s.
Not only did we get a whole new type of Chess engine, it was also interesting to see how the engine thought of different openings at various stages in its training. For instance, the Caro-Kann, which is my weapon of choice, was favored quite heavily by it for several hours and then seemingly rejected (perhaps it even refuted it?!) near the end.
The super cool thing about MuZero is that it learns the dynamics of the problem, i.e. you don't have to give it the rules of the game, which makes the algorithm very general. For example, DeepMind threw MuZero at video compression and found that it can reduce video sizes by 6.28% (massive for something like YouTube)[2][3].
Curious if anyone else knows examples of MuZero being deployed outside of toy examples?
To be fair, it uses MCTS, which requires many simulations of the game. For this, it needs to know which moves are valid, and when a player wins or loses the game.
So it does need to know the rules of the game, but it doesn't need any prior knowledge about which moves are better than others.
Not quite, you can define an illegal move as losing the game, and winning/losing is a “meta-observation” - ie if the player wins/loses, you don’t invoke another search.
Why not update the API contract that if you use the Reddit API you need to render the ads? If you don't render the Ads they can come up with some pricing model. Seems like Reddit's pricing is designed by an MBA intern who just joined silicon valley.
That would require the API to also include ad information. I think putting a sensible price on API access would make this a bit simpler, though (and allow for a paid ad-free experience as well). The core issue isn't so much paid API access as the price being so crazy high it can't possibly reflect how much reddit would normally be making from the users of these apps, so instead looks like it is aimed at just shutting down 3rd party apps entirely.
Meow inverts the order of commands: instead of vim's verb-count-object order, meow does object-count-verb, if I'm remember David Wilson's video right. This lets it pop up an avy-like overlay (I think it calls them "rulers") so you can see more clearly exactly how far of an extent an action is going to have. Kinda cool. Might try it some day.
> ~evil-mode~ Deprecated, check out Vimpulse or Vim Mode.
Lol, the linked pages for Vimpulse and Vim Mode both start with the statement:
> Superceded by Evil
Though frankly, any Vimmer using Emacs knows this already. Someone's either trolling, or never saw any reason to leave Vim and find out what these are options are really like, picking up the misunderstanding along the way.
I'd totally get that, these lists are awesome and maintaining them is hard work-- it's otherwise pretty great, and congratulations to everyone involved! I've always felt jealous of the folks funning neovim in their browser text-areas.
As an aside: I stick with emacs because of the modal and recursive minibuffer(s) (ie. command-line(s)). What vim setting do I change to be able to use normal mode down there?
> I stick with emacs because of the modal and recursive minibuffer(s) (ie. command-line(s)). What vim setting do I change to be able to use normal mode down there?
Not a setting. Just press Ctrl+F when your cursor is in the command line. After that, and until you finish entering the command, you will be able to use Esc to go into normal mode again.