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I assume it's the one linked on your profile. I'll check it out!

Great. Didgets is a general-purpose data management system that supports multiple data models. The object store features allow it to manage file data. The tagging system I designed to attach meta-data tags to each object also allow it to manage structured data like relational databases.

The website was designed to highlight its DB features and how it can be used to quickly analyze data in its tables. Don't let that distract you from its initial purpose as a file system replacement.

I had come across this before but had forgotten the name. Thanks!

I use this tool too and it's amazing. But this is why file naming convention becomes important.

I don't like having my data in the cloud. I just use syncthing for now for backups, but setting up a proper NAS and improving my backup strategy is on my todo list.

Isn't it easier to just like having your data in the cloud and not spend your time on setting up a proper NAS and improving your backup strategy? Or is it more that you find that kind of tinkering fun and a good use of your time?

Cloud is good enough for millions of people. What makes you different?

I care about data privacy.

Fair enough. Have fun setting up the NAS.

iCloud has E2EE with ADP, if that's something that would interest you.

Thanks! This is the kind of thing I was interested in - some inspiration for naming/tagging or some novel approaches to organizing data. I came across this blog post which I thought was interesting: https://karl-voit.at/2022/01/29/How-to-Use-Tags/

Regarding family members, these are just some important docs and such of family members that are not tech savvy/don't use my computer.

Do you mind expanding on this? What do you do exactly and how did you make the move?

I have tried reading this twice but couldn't get past 30 pages or so. I was enjoying the read but not sure what made me drop it both times. I was much younger though, so perhaps a 3rd attempt is in order.

> some specific bus timetable that enabled a pivotal moment in my life

Story time? Don't leave us hanging :)

I don’t know which specific incidents were pivotal, but surely some moment was?

Slightly off-topic, but does anyone here notice a positive difference from omega 3 supplementation?

I haven't died of cardiovascular disease this week!

So I was prescribed vascepa to lower my triglycerides. They’re now low enough that I was taken off them.

But I’ve also significantly cut down on the calories I’ve been eating.

Why do I have to zoom in so much to be able to see a street name?

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