You are a sucker if you are using a platform like HackerOne. I reported a bug (Crypto Exchange, Bitmex) 5 years ago. It was not a critical bug, but still. The team kept the bug report open for 5 years; I assume so that it doesn't affect their payout score. They recognized the bug. After 5 years they closed it. Zero communication.
If you value your time and your health, don't use these platforms. If platforms want security, they can hire people by the hour/day and pay them the relevant wages.
I don't know the intricacies of their VC deal. But if the data is open and users put in xx amount of compute and then get the model; then where is the possible harm? The trade is done and dealt. You provided some of compute and got it back, right? Unless I am misunderstanding something about their distributed model or not reading the fine prints.
Yeah, the argument made no sense. If "outsourcing" will work this time (and it might), it's because the global south have developed quite a lot in education and infrastructure (pretty much all of the global south has good internet now, sometimes better than the US).
> our entire development team has been replaced. They can barely speak English.
The race to the bottom is real. xD. (ps: I've spent around a year in Vietnam and barely any software developer I met can speak any intelligible English. So I believe the OP).
> How long until megacorps and SMEs actually execute this reality?
This is the best case scenario. As a country, you want your megacorps/SME to execute this somehow while keeping control. The alternative is that new megacorps/SMEs get spawned in the global south and there you have no job and no cash flow.
If Civ 6 is any guidance, 64 or 32 won't make a slight difference. The next step calculations seem to run on a single CPU and thus having more CPUs is not going to change a thing. This is a software problem; they need to distribute the calculation over several CPUs.
At the end of the day, all you are doing is syncing state with the server. In the future, you'll have a local state and a server state and the only server component is a sync Wasm binary hehe.
Still, you'll be coding your front-end with Wasm/Rust, so get in on the Rust train :)
I was going to write a rebuttal but then I read your comment and it mirrored roughly what I was going to write.
> - Rust inserts Copy, Drop, Deref for you: it would be really annoying to write Rust if you had to call `.copy()` on every bool/int/char. A language like this exists, I'm sure, but this hasn't stopped Rust from taking off
One improvement here could be the IDE. I don't want to write `let s: String` every time but the IDE (neovim LSP) does show it. It'd be good if I can get the full signature too.
> Async is problematic
Async Rust is by far the best Async out there. Now when I use other languages I am essentially wondering what the hell is going on there. Is there an executor? Is there a separate thread for this? How/When is this getting executed? Async Rust doesn't execute anything and as a result you can get an idea of how the flow of your program goes (as well as pick an executor of your choice, might not seem important if you are on the Tokio bandwagon but if you are in an envrionment where you need a custom executor and you need to control CPU threads, Rust Async suddenly makes a lot of sense)
Covid, at least the first few months, is an irregularity. Most of the world was freaked out at that time regardless of the country and its hierarchical society. On the other hand, these business interests lobbied to either open/close to benefit their own bottom lines.
If you value your time and your health, don't use these platforms. If platforms want security, they can hire people by the hour/day and pay them the relevant wages.