If you're at a very large corporation, Cygwin could have been approved decades ago, but WSL is still going through "auditing". WSL is still new enough that bureuocratic organizations haven't satisfied themselves enough that it can be secured or are just plain stubborn enough to not want the hassle.
I refuse to work at large companies for this reason, but one company I worked for brought on a large American bank as a customer and their infosec terms for vendors essentially required their IT "standards" on us, which sucked as we were a Mac shop. It almost came to a head when all the developers were told they had to seek approval for upgrading their build tools.
To avoid using cmd.exe/PowerShell for stuff that needs to run natively. For example, when I used Linux I'd use this very small program named darkhttpd for sharing files among my computers over WiFi; when I switched to Windows I compiled it on Cygwin and it worked just as fine.
Not autoload, no. You can have as many functions as you want in a single .fish file, but it'll only be lazily autoloaded if it has the same name as the command you are trying to execute. It's how we avoid doing the I/O of scanning all fish directories and parsing their contents at startup.
Worth taking into account that a lot of Gen Z responding here are probably not very far in their career. It would be interesting to see how the other generations would have answered if they were at similar points in their life
I would say the hype around Rails has settled since a long time ago, that is maybe why you feel that but now since Rails 8, it is gathering a little bit momentum again.
But you should correlate what the talk of the town is with how much something is being used, it is still heavily used and a good option for startups.
I doubt I'll upgrade anytime soon, but at this rate when I do need to, I feel like I'm just going to get a Max because of how happy I've been with the base M1 Pro (just upgraded the RAM a step).
That is if I don't just suddenly decide to replace the batteries (relatively cheap from the apple authorized store compared to a full upgrade).
Yep, even though the 2.2x is a bug upgrade, I’m not actually sure that’s compelling enough? When the M1 Max won’t do usually I turn to a server with 4-10x the corecount…
passing data to templates that call templates that (maybe call other templates that) use the data. It is easy to call things in the wrong order, not provide the right values, think you have access to some data and totally don't, there is no type help, there is a bit of ceremony to get functions available, and I'm sure there is something else I'm forgetting. Just overall, a pain to work with.
So far, I'm enjoying in Templ that I can clearly see what arguments and types are passed to whichever views/partials and that I can simply use standard Go functions to do whatever I need them to do.
My experience with go build ./... is that it compiles everything but it doesn't make the binaries.
> When compiling multiple packages or a single non-main package, build compiles the packages but discards the resulting object, serving only as a check that the packages can be built.