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There are browser extensions you could run like consent-o-matic to try to click and hide the cookies from your screenshots:


Otherwise using a combination of well-known class names, ‘accept’ strings, and heuristics such as z-index, position: fixed/sticky etc can also narrow down the number of likely elements that could be modals/banners.

You could also ask a vision model whether a screenshot has a cookie banner, and ask for co-ordinates to remove it, although this could get expensive at scale!

Thanks, that's a great idea! I was originally going to go the vision model route because I'd also like people to be able to send instructions to sign in with some credentials (like when visiting the nytimes or something).

yeah that's what we basically did here at https://VisualSitemaps.com, but it can also be quickly become over-the-top, and you may end up removing important content. That's why in the end we added a second option to just manually enter CSS classes.

nice post :)

I’m surprised there’s not been any mention of effect (http://effect.website/) yet, as it is kind of the next level up if you really want to model things like errors, dependencies and side effects in the type system, using functional concepts borrowed from more pure functional languages.

It would be a bit of a risk adopting this into a shared code base depending on your team and the kinds of devs you’re looking to hire, but it could be useful to some folk that feel like they want even more type safety.

What about cluster autoscaling?

I didn’t touch on that in the article, but essentially it’s a one line change to add a worker node (or nodes) to the cluster, then it’s automatically enrolled.

We don’t have such bursty requirements fortunately so I have not needed to automate this.

Works rather well. I use CAPI + Cluster-Autoscaler + Talos and new nodes are provisioned and ready within 2-3 minutes.

I'd say adonisjs[1] is the closest thing in TS land to rails. There's also sailsjs[2].

Neither are as trendy as nextjs/sveltekit etc, but those are not really comparable to rails.

[1]: https://adonisjs.com

[2]: https://sailsjs.com

This might be more suited to monorepos where all projects are in JS/TS, but check out https://onerepo.tools

3.93 megatons of CO2 is roughly equivalent to:

  • About 149,714 short-haul flights, or
  • About 37,429 long-haul flights.

so what I am hearing is that short-haul flights are ~24% as far as long-haul flights.

Weird use of segmented flight lengths as a comparator

Take off, climb and circles before landng time use considerably more fuel than that of cruising time, so that needs to be considered. Also, as short haul fights generally don't climb as high, they lose the benefits of high altitude cruising.

Short haul flights use proportionally more fuel per mile flown because taking off is very fuel intensive. That said, no idea what average value the GP comment is basing their numbers off of.

Are those figures the wrong way around?

So a couple of days' worth?

https://devspace.sh also gives a similar workflow but where the container is running in a remote k8s cluster

I work on a paid screenshot api[0] where we have features to either hide these banners and overlays using css, or alternatively we run some javascript to send a click event to what we detect as the 'accept' button in order to dismiss the popups.

It's quite a painful problem and we screenshot many millions of sites a day, our success rate at detecting these is high but still not 100%.

We have gotten quite far with heuristics and are exploring whether we can get better results by training a model.


Interesting service.

Can the API provide a custom tag, comment or ID which will then be inserted in the output? Like in JPEG EXIF, PNG also knows Metadata, PDF description, HTML meta tag?

No - we don't currently support this feature as nobody has asked for it so far :)

You could append a new meta tag by running some custom JS to add it, but we don't modify exif, metadata or pdf description at the moment.

Have you checked out https://kirimase.dev?

No, hadn't heard of that. Looks like it's doing a bit too much. I'm not sold on ORMs or auto-genned scaffolding apps. The tRPC lib they're using OTOH looks interesting. Kind of. Looks like I'd have to give up my server lib/router for theirs, but then it looks like they botched the client-side error formatting which is the one thing I haven't solved: https://trpc.io/docs/server/error-formatting How is this good UX?

    <pre>Error: {JSON.stringify(mutation.error.data.zodError, null, 2)}</pre>
Formik (https://formik.org/docs/api/errormessage) does OK with the "touched" and "errors" objects, that helps you render out the error messages nicely, next to the inputs, but for my very first use-case I wanted to validate a File input and it seems to struggle with that a bit. Can't do it without suppressing some TS errors but maybe it's an edge case. And it of course doesn't handle the server half of the equation. So.. yeah.

This looks excellent, thank you. I'm iterating a lot of startups at the moment, and sort of home-growing a framework, but each new product I want to replace bits of it with off-the-shelf tooling, and this is an excellent selection of components.

This looks and sounds great...

I'm currently using contentlayer [https://github.com/contentlayerdev/contentlayer] to manage docs and blog content, mostly .mdx files on urlbox.com.

It works well with next.js but unfortunately is abandonware now.

I also have a few custom remark/rehype plugins.

You're right it is a pain to update articles buried in your repo especially with less technical team members. I already tried out TinaCMS to try and solve the editing issues, but their editor wasn't so nice, and it seemed to implicitly make a commit on every tiny change to any content, so I'm really hoping I could use something like this to edit my already existing content...

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