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A somewhat similar chart for the US is at the link below. It also includes a GIF that shows effective tax rates back to 1862.


Archive link for original article: https://archive.ph/zIx9b

Simons also funded Quanta magazine: https://www.quantamagazine.org/about/

His Wikipedia page is interesting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Simons_(mathematician)

thank you, the page renders empty for me.

Yeah, it's effectively a placeholder for me. No content whatsoever.

As a marketing term I like "Limitarianism"

* The Idea Factory (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Idea_Factory) includes info on Kelly (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelly_criterion) as well as Shannon.

* A Mind at Play (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Mind_at_Play) is a bio of Shannon. I think a much better bio could be written, but this is all we have.

* "Information Theory" by Cover and Thomas is a mathematical introduction to information theory. This is a technical book, and is very different than the books above.

If you haven't yet done so, read Shannon's paper as linked above

I couldn't finish Sinclair's book on aging [1]; even in a book that he co-authored he comes across as a scammer

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifespan:_Why_We_Age_%E2%80%93...

MKBHD on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MKBHD/status/1777045761705853295

"Just pointed my phone camera directly at the midday sun for 5 minute straight. It got a little warm, but... no damage. I'm gonna go ahead and say point your phones at the eclipse tomorrow, it'll be fine "

just because his phone was fine doesn't mean yours will be


* 8sleep blog about the study: https://www.eightsleep.com/blog/research-paper-reveals-the-e...

* "Sleep and subjective age: protect your sleep if you want to feel young" https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspb.2024.017...

I guess "Degen" in this context means [1] a person "engaged in high-risk, high-reward strategies without much regard for potential losses. These individuals were seen as reckless, often gambling with their investments in the hopes of striking it rich."

[1] https://woolypooly.com/en/blog/degen

An opposing view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4nJ07_02NQ

I often buy organic food: I can afford it and like the goal of using zero or minimal pesticides and herbicides. For me, it's like Pascal's wager: it can't hurt

> using zero or minimal pesticides and herbicides

But this isn't what organic means. It means certain classes of pesticides and herbicides aren't used.

Umm… you get that Pascal's Wager is an example of fallacious reasoning, right? It establishes a false dichotomy where there either is a God or there isn't when in fact there is equally a possibility of the Christian God as all the other thousands of gods.

Not all organic is grown and cultivated the same nor is all conventional. Not all "natural" pest controls are harmless just as not all conventional pest controls are harmful.

Crop rotation, cover crops, and resting fields occurs in both and can be absent in both.

"Organic" is a marketing term at this point. The details are much muddier (pun intended).

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