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Birth rates will go up because they are inheritable and because exponential growth always wins. The USA will be Amish.

It's only a change in environment that can knock that down a bit, but exponential growth still wins. Birth control cut the birth rate for most people, but not for all. The resistant sub-populations are still on exponential growth even as the other sub-populations go through a population crash.

It's as certain as math. Exponential growth wins.

Wolfram Alpha is pretty good for random factual queries. It will even do computation, so you can ask for the number of dietary calories in a cubic lightyear of cream cheese. https://www.wolframalpha.com/

If you are looking more for proven statistics that get suppressed for political reasons, then the now-defunct hatefact site is what you want. It featured over 700 awkward facts, with citations. Archive as one big page: http://archive.is/LRe05 Archive with 1 page per category: http://hatefacts.subvert.pw/hub.html

thanks so much

That document could use a clarification for the "Ask HN or Show HN" section. I didn't see an option to make an "Ask HN or Show HN" in the UI. Do we just add that text manually? Does the software recognize it as special keywords? If so, is it case-sensitive and does it need spaces or a colon?

Ask HN is just for text posts (submissions with no URLs). That's stated there.

Show HN is explained in the rules that are linked to from the FAQ: https://news.ycombinator.com/showhn.html

... so it seems like all the information is present? Admittedly in a somewhat cryptic form.

That sounds like the robustness principle, featured in RFC 1855 (Netiquette Guidelines) among others: "Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others" or "Be conservative in what you send and liberal in what you receive."



Lots of people support the killing. When you look into the background of the 3 people shot, the reasons become obvious. The first person shot had attacked boys aged 9 to 11, raping 2 and molesting 3 others. The second person shot had a history of abusive relationships, including strangulation. The third person shot (surviving) was a burglar. That's 3 out of 3 being horrible people. Hitting a criminal in that crowd is like hitting a tree in a forest.

Remember that many people feel that a pedophile rapist should get the death penalty. They are offended by the fact that he was out on the streets of Kenosha chasing a boy. Some people, probably fewer, feel the same about the woman abuser. It is a common viewpoint that justice was served.

The original antifa and that modern antifa have a lot in common. They share the name, symbols, violence, and ideology. The original antifa was so awful that it made people want Hitler. The modern antifa might achieve a similar accomplishment.

> The original antifa and that modern antifa have a lot in common. They share the name, symbols, violence, and ideology

And yet a whole lot of antifa, uses symbols that were inherently opposed to the founders of the original Antifa, such as the three diagnonal arrows. And their symbols go across a massive range of symbolism of which a substantial proportion has no connection to the original AFA either.

You're demonstrating exactly the kind of attempt to conflate a whole range of groups with almost nothing in common by making things up about them. When I looked into antifa symbols a while back, I found many dozens of symbols that had no connection to the original AFA at all, but had links to all kinds of other movements. Their ideologies are similarly varied.

Already the "original" of the modern antifa explicitly used symbolism, through incorporating black for anarchism, that stood in direct opposition to the views of the KPD who founded the original.

The only thing they have in common is opposition to fascism. Everything else varies along multiple axes, and suggesting they all "have a lot in common" comes across as flatly ignoring the evidence.

> The original antifa was so awful that it made people want Hitler.

This is just pure fiction.

He was considered left-wing until he dared to report what he saw, refusing to censor it for the benefit of Antifa. That sounds like a reputable journalist to me.

What loss, his marbles? If you mean his son, well, Trump lost two brothers.

When in congress, Biden pushed for the harsh sentencing that we had, with the 1994 crime bill. Trump supported and then signed the First Step Act, which is legislation to undo some of that.

"Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle" -- Biden, in 1977

As in Joe Biden's wife and children died in a car crash, and later one of his surviving sons died?

Trump has no concept of morality or loss - you realise why he wasn't invited to John McCain's funeral, right?

This is 100% unjustified speculation. Dehumanizing an opponent helps to unleash hate.

John McCain's funeral was a political event.

Accents and staple foods are terrible examples.

We know that the sound of the human voice is determined by the shape of the air passageway, including teeth and nose. We know that these shapes vary around the world.

We know that lactose tolerance varies by population, and that this would influence the degree to which milk is used as a staple food.

It pops up during presidential election years. The donations are what is funding the DNC and the Biden campaign. It's an odd thing when you consider that Harris was a prosecutor who was unusually aggressive about putting black people in prison for minor offenses like pot, and that Biden was a senator who pushed to pass the strict sentencing.

I think the deal is that getting a person to donate to an uninspiring political campaign is difficult, but it is easy to add a more-palatable organization in the middle to pass along the funding. It's almost money laundering.

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