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Sometimes we build things just for the experience, just to learn as we build.

But you also get access to the non-web versions of the office apps, which are not poor.

True if you're in the 1% of users who need features that go beyond what Google Apps does and prefer to manually deal with the versioning mess using some ad-hoc convention.

In my area, the cable provider is the only one that offers somewhat fast speeds. Whenever they overcharge me and I spend hours sorting it out (this has happened a few times) with them I wish I could switch, but DSL is just not fast enough for working remotely.

I don't have other options for all my other utilities, but so far they have overcharged me and screwed things up royally exactly zero times.

The FCC just raised its minimum definition of broadband, so that DSL probably doesn't even qualify anymore. As if it should have before.


The cable company's Internet service may not either.

I don't know about 100%, but I am certainly much happier with my electric, water, and gas providers than I am with my cable provider.

This is great, congratulations and thanks to everyone who's been working on this stuff!

It seems like you could do something like:

    #define IOD_SYM(name) iod_define_symbol(name, _##name);
    #define S(name) s::_##name;
Then use S(test) instead of @test and any files that need these symbols defined could just have IOD_SYM(test) at the top or something.

#define S(name) is a bit dangerous. It would affect any C/C++ function called S.

Actually using [ZLang](https://github.com/pfultz2/ZLang), you could define them like this:

    #define IOD_DEFINE_SYMBOL(name) iod_define_symbol(name, _##name)
    #define IOD_S(name) s::_##name

    #define ZLANG_iod_define (IOD_DEFINE_SYMBOL)
    #define ZLANG_iod_s (IOD_S)
And then compiling with `-DZLANG_NS=iod` you can call it like this:

    // Define symbols
    $(define hello)
    $(define message)

    auto hello_api = make_api(

        // The hello world procedure.
        $(s hello) = [] () { return D($(s message) = "Hello world."); }

Also, ZLang can be supported without a need for a dependency on ZLang.

> Guess you havn't had a hanging Safari or Chrome tab take down the entire OS.

I haven't seen that happen on either of my Macs.

I've experienced exactly one major new issue in Yosemite, and it's only affecting one of my Macs: when my iMac Retina sleeps, it often doesn't wake correctly and ends up doing a system reset so all my terminal state is lost. It's really fucking annoying. I managed to work around it by changing something in the sleep settings.

I've experienced a similar issue with my 2012 iMac: after waking from sleep, I find that all of my terminal tabs are in a "Restored" state, so the history is correct, but anything running ends up detached. It's frustrating, and only started happening with Yosemite.

I don't know that it's particularly new or hot, but I've been learning F# and I really like it. With Microsoft open-sourcing .NET Core and Mono getting a lot of improvements from it, I'd love to see this become a viable platform for doing web development on Linux with F# in the future.

As others have said, Ecto is the layer you would use to connect to Postgresql. It's pretty different from ActiveRecord, not necessarily in good or bad ways. It's just different.

Rather than try to give examples, take a look at their Github page: https://github.com/elixir-lang/ecto

Now I've got that "Final Countdown" song stuck in my head. :(

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