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Everyone I know is doing well and looking forward to the next 4 years. Just look at the stock market, which anyone can invest in. I started back when I was making $4 an hour, now doing very well.

Not everyone can invest in the stock market… at least not in a way that is helpful. Sure, I might be able to put $20/mo in if I’m working poor and over a few years it will double if I’m lucky.

$4/he starting wage makes you around my parents age (50+) so I’m guessing you easily earn six figures now since you hang out on HN. The crowd here does not represent poor people very well (which is fine!) but you can’t extrapolate your experience to everyone. Yea the stock market is great, but it says nothing about the single mom working two jobs to put food on the table with no energy left to tinker with ETFs.

If anything it's easier now than ever to invest in stocks. Online trades, no commissions, and fractional shares. When I started I had to pay a broker to do the trades. And still against those odds somehow it worked.

As AI takes hold it's obvious parents and copyrights will have to be revisited.

AI generation of inventions could be used as a massive DOS attack on the patent system, by producing millions or billions of inventions immediately placed into public view as prior art.

Since it's so easy to invent with AI there's no need for patents or copyrights anymore. The money isn't the idea anymore, it's the product.

I don't know why this didn't occur to me earlier, but reading this thread overwhelmed me with possibility and I just had to drop my fusion reactor patent into notebook LM. The podcast was nice, but there was nothing inventive about it. The world is moving so fast right now, but it's not quite there... it will be soon, but not yet. There is still so much we humans still have to do.

Comments like these make me wish ycrapinator had a -100 downvote button.

Yeah they're pro AI and pro business. Sounds about right.

It's pretty obvious you haven't read more than the headline.

Some articles are more opinion than fact, even though they might be presented as fact

My isp filters all incoming ipv6 traffic for me and lets my outgoing ipv6 out. What could possibly go wrong?

I wish they would take action on collecting data

I would think someday we can use AI to port the software. Maybe even use AI to design the cards.

Nice! I've got a whole basement full of computer stuff from the late 1970s until a few years ago, probably time to put some of that stuff up on eBay!

Bright kids, great support, can't wait to see what they can do with their careers! Bravo!

There's no claim about it, it actually happened. Always amazed at companies that extort their customers because it might be too expensive to move off those products. I remember Computer Associates back in the 1980s and 1990s, that was their business model, buy out a company, fire all the engineers, and Jack up license fees. Rinse and repeat. I remember seeing them at unix expo at the javits center, they always gave out the best chachkis

What a great start, it's only going to get better from here!

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