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I can't tell if this is satire or not.

Have you considered storing it on the blockchain instead, so this way it is immutable and permanent? /s

A hybrid solution with AI and Blockchain would work best (for the very long term).

That way the content can be monetized using Bitcoin as the payment backbone.

You laugh, but all TV will work this way in the future. Micropayments. Think Grameen, but for Video Clips.

I don't know why people are worried about storage. You can just store it on the cloud.

s3 solid nitrogen glacier in deep space tier.

I know this guy Chad with nice shelves.

Chad's neighbor is looking pretty good at this point after Chad started enforcing retroactively added time limits that were not part of the original terms.

Electron was originally known as "Atom Shell"!

Ha, that makes sense from a physics perspective as electrons orbit the nucleus.

Having built desktop software - I found doing things cross platform is hard for various reasons.

1. You can't use any specialized features or APIs in one OS unless you implement it in all others.

2. If you use Electron you're basically building a webpage, which can only be taken so far in terms of user experience. While teams like VS Code have pushed the limits, you still can't do what this app is doing.

3. Increased test/QA surface area which becomes difficult - especially supporting Linux - which have relatively fewer users but you still have to properly invest time into supporting it, something startups cannot do.

I really don't see the point of this product, but there are plenty of small to medium teams which are mac only, and it's better to be an interesting niche rather than yet another collaboration and huddle-type software.

Hi! I'm Andy and I have 12 years experience in a wide variety of roles - web applications with a variety of technologies and desktop applications and networking applications with C++.

I have been at my last role for about 5 years and am looking for a change to focus on a Senior Full Stack Engineer role.

    Location: Toronto, ON
    Remote: Yes
    Technologies: Laravel, VueJS, React, Python, Node
Email me at (as42 at fastmail dot com).

Similar JavaScript programming game running in the browser - http://jswarrior.fusioncharts.com/

Me and a friend built this in 2013, built on top of ideas from the original ruby-warrior.

For lightweight use among friends, I found that gogs works much better for me. Has a tiny subset of features but reliably creates/manages repos.


Sadly gogs for whatever reason doesn’t seem to actually use connection pooling or proper caching. It runs a new SQL query for every load of the "explore" site or a repo, which means I end up getting less requests/sec out of it than with gitlab.

Gogs is great. Gitea is a community fork of gogs if you're looking for more features as well.

I use https://getgrav.org/ and this is why:

- No DB. Use a flat file layout similar to Jekyll or static site generators.

- Offers dynamic features like redirecting and custom routing when you need it. This isn't possible with a pure static site generator.

- Decent optional panel to write, edit and manage almost all aspects of your site.

- Quite fast once you set it up with good caching.

+1, I use Grav too for my blog. Admin panel is really light, there's a lot of skeletons based on modern templates and they are a much smaller number which can be bad but also good so that you don't get overwhelmed by crappy stuff like it happens with Wordpress.

Grav looks promising, thanks for the heads up.

This one is amazing, thank you!

+1 for Grav

I first thought cool. On second look I see it is based on PHP. I'm sure newest PHP is really fast and advanced but I don't want to invest any of my time on that language (just my personal opinion). Update: OK, it also runs on nginx. Made a wrong claim it does not run on it. Sorry.

Grav has samples for many different web servers, including nginx: https://github.com/getgrav/grav/tree/develop/webserver-confi...

It is classified as a "flat-file CMS", explained here: https://github.com/getgrav/grav/issues/516

It does not require a database.

Well that shouldn't be true. Firstly there is no good reason why any PHP framework would ever require a specific web server, so the claim seems dubious. A little reading in their installation guide confirms Grav should work with any web server: https://learn.getgrav.org/basics/installation

Yes, you are right! Corrected it.

What is wrong with PHP?

I think the canonical reason is that it is a fractal of bad design: https://eev.ee/blog/2012/04/09/php-a-fractal-of-bad-design/

If anyone's looking for similar functionality for PHP (Database-level time-grouping, time-ranged drilldowns, charts), you can check out http://razorflow.com

(Disclosure: I am the developer of RazorFlow, and am only posting here because I feel it's relevant to this particular story)

Well, maybe you can take a look at another dashboard framework I wrote. It uses PHP, pulls data directly from MySQL and works seamlessly on mobile browsers, tablets. :)


Adding support for Google Analytics and Excel in the next two weeks!

I like it! I think Dashing and Razorflow serve 2 different purposes though. Yours is more of a hands-on & drilldown type dashboard, whereas Dashing is much more optimized for being readonly on a large TV.

Actually, we are working on adding support for TV/Kiosk mode where the components update the data regularly, and you aren't limited to showing only one set of components. The dashboard will slowly and automatically cycle through all different components so even if you have more widgets than your screen can handle, it'll still work better than not being able to work at all.

The main difference is that Dashing is focusing more on current KPIs and Metrics. While we believe that those are crucially important, sometimes they just aren't enough for people who have data that's too much to get condensed down to a single indicator.

I have been using Razorflow myself and impressed with it so far.

We are going to release a version with PostgreSQL support shortly.

RazorFlow PHP generates SQL code according to the requirements and filters, and must take the differences between the SQL dialects of different vendors into account.

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