Well whole country has pleasantly few ads everywhere. No ads along roads and highways for example. Drive to eastern more primitive parts of EU and many massive billboards will try to steal your attention constantly, everywhere.
One of easy examples of corruption in plain sight, yes mostly nobody cares.
People do care, but institutional corruption is just to hard to fight once ingrained. Others may simply just not know anything different because that's how its always been.
“I program like we programmed 15 years ago” told me once my friend and engineer which I consider one of the best graphics programmers around: his projects are fast, beautiful and innovative.
This is, I think, how I felt writing Go. Not necessarily 15 years ago as I was doing Java then, but an "older" but simpler and more straightforward style of programming.
Want to create a database connection? Write "database.connect(host, username, password"). Want to inject a dependency? Just set it in a struct in your main method. Want to create a production build? "go build *.go". Put it in a makefile if you want.
Versus the modern approach, writing YAML to instruct your cloud service to set up a database, docker images that get env vars from somewhere magic, XML or magic auto-injection or however backend works nowadays, typechecking and transpiling, etc.
I’m using monospace for my homepage and for many of my projects (I had a custom font made express for my ASCII experiments!).
But I disagree with the claim that monospaced fonts are easier to read, especially for longer texts and writings. The monotone rhythm will tire the eye, eventually.
Side note: the CSS “ch” unit can be handy to build monospaced layouts.
At a high level I guess so. I don't know enough about Ray Reconstruction (though the results are impressive), but I was thinking of something more drastic than DLSS. Diffusion models on static images can turn a cartoon into a photorealistic image. Doing something similar for a game, where a low-quality render is turned into something that would otherwise take seconds to render, seems qualitatively quite different from DLSS. In principle a model could fill in huge amounts of detail, like increasing the number of particles in a particle-based effect, adding shading/lighting effects...
Self plug: the “ASCII Playground“ has a couple of 3D demos as well!
DOM manipulation is fast enough to allow text output into a PRE element as long as text color is not changed too often (each style change needs the affected chars wrapped into a SPAN).
Buying something that will last 10 years instead of buying a home that will last generations. Even more, most likely this people already had a home.
Is like buying a electric car while you have a luxury ICE that works, is a waste of resources. I dont really mind, but dont say you care about the enviroment.
It's a sailboat. They do most of their transitting under sail not power.
You're trying really hard to be contrary here, but it's not working. Devine is not claiming to be ecologically perfect. They're just trying to be as ecologically efficient as they can while living a life that feels meaningful and rewarding to them.
These two precious human beings are an inspiration for me since very long. Their radical life choices are a teaching for me; the most important part being that it all happens incrementally: tooth paste can be replaced with something that has less chemicals, no packaging, cheaper (and that doesn’t clog the pipes of the boat… a “fix” that came later) and likewise many other things in our daily lives.
The motivation is to avoid visual noise/pollution and “We didn’t recognize any public interest in having billboards”.