Fellow Pelotech coder Joachim has put together an implementation in this post that's pretty slick with containers, dotnetcore, using Projet Rider and only MacOS & Linux. This gets some .NET microservices deployed in ways that until recently weren't possible with .NET.
Got thoughts on the latest methods for microservice deployment with .NET? I'd be curious to get additional ideas from people.
Yup, exactly. That's another nuance of what I'm hitting at in the blog entry. This is the case in a lot of big cities with big corp gigs. They're just dead end gigs. If that's all somebody wants, that's awesome. Learn .NET or Java and get that shit. But if somebody wants a bit more or a bit of freedom or a bit of changing scenery, one has to step outside of that. :)
[Author o' the blog entry] I just threw a bunch of the snarky response to a bunch of the arbitrary job definitions together, with some oddball nuance and wrote up the blog entry.
It's all a lot of tongue in cheek, some serious, mostly just me being ridiculous. There's no shortage of gigs right now any which way one looks at it. Somebody could get a job writing COBOL or RPG or Pascal if they really wanted to.
Mongo was sort of great at first, it's a not bad solution for low traffic sites. It's also great for prototyping. But when anything grows up into high availability, high traffic or anything high.
It's kind of funny, albeit interesting that it took this long for much of the industry to start knocking down the house of cards that is built around the database. However many of the databases that are coming out these days have a lot of the same cultural issue of "hide the issues" and "talk about the cool parts".
I'm expecting any minute now for the anti-schema-less pro-schema movement to rise up...
IMHO, it's all about what you're doing at the time, and making the right decision... albeit it helps if the decisions for a database isn't glossing over the issues as insignificant. :-/
btw - "MongoProbabilisticStorage" is a great name for a product!
Now if this can just be replicated in more places, we may get a better school system. I'd bet though, that the teacher's union is the greatest opponent to this type of thing.
Got thoughts on the latest methods for microservice deployment with .NET? I'd be curious to get additional ideas from people.