It's fairly rational to point out that the market is overvalued at the moment to begin with. If anything, I'd expect some big losses in that 5% median if economic pressures leave people worried and speculating.
Not the original poster but I would point to the Shiller PE (i.e. CAPE) ratio as a useful indicator of potential over-valuation. The increasing cost required to make the same in earnings is disconcerting.
Yes, and it's a linear effort that compounds making asset development in particular much more expensive. For instance, if you have 300 major assets in a game, and one of them takes a sizable percentage of time more to create, this compounds for the entire collection of assets, making your development that much more expensive.
nitrix isn't referring to the other features, simply the concept of reliability over UDP to minimize overhead. The games industry has been using this concept for decades for efficient networking, and only now is the web community thinking about it.
Trying to get it done before the economy tanks, I think. We're vastly overdue for a downturn, the economy was already over-juiced due to excessive tax cuts/etc, we just put five million households out of work for a month (most of which are contractors and will not even be getting back pay) and will be doing it again in less than two weeks (now that the Superbowl is over and we're not messing with FOOTBAWW we can get back to our regularly scheduled shutdown).
The US economy is extremely likely to slide into recession in the next 2-6 months. And when they do, it'll be a lot harder to get $7 billion for a knockoff IRC client.
It has been a few very good years for raising cash from private investors, but that is now slowly reversing. Best to IPO now while the stock market is still mostly bullish.