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The origin of PD comes from Russia and AFAIK they have this tradition (inherited from the times of communism) there to celebrate professions with a special day dedicated to them, so yes, they do have firemen day, miner day or policemen day.

Recent major change was the photo page redesign done this year no? (or was it last year?), and that redesign is good.

About the 1st point: totally agree. I use flickr to look for a good pictures and from time to time to post some of mine that are reasonably OK - for me it's not, and never has been, a site to post photos from last night's bash or socialize with people, that's what Facebook is for (and maybe G+ will be someday in the future (but it won't come easy for them)). I also don't need the site to change every 6 months - if it works OK (and flickr works OK for me) then changing it is not really necessary (or at least, not that important).

It's quite buggy though, e.g. with many tabs opened the "open new tab" button disappears or that you can't switch easily between thumbnails/no-thumbnails view, etc. Hope the good guys and girls at Opera will take notice of the OP and will work on some improvements in this area.

PS. also worth noting that Opera allows for easily grouping of tabs in the manner similar to the one described in OP (no naming though, fortunately (in my opinion at least)).

To be honest I cannot remember the last time I actually clicked that button, but regardless its a design mistake.

What would work is putting a plus next to the closed tabs button (trashcan looking icon) along with the current plus at the bottom of the tabs.

I agree with you on the naming. I don't want to have to name each group. Although it would be nice to add it, possibly after a group has been created, then be able to right click no the group and give it a name so that the name shows instead of the "top" tab.

> with many tabs opened the "open new tab" button disappear

I just tried it and it seems that there's a sweet spot around 5-6 tabs where the button is partially hidden, but after that thumbnails are removed and you can see it again. A slight problem, but nothing to worry about.

> or that you can't switch easily between thumbnails/no-thumbnails view

Right click -> Customize -> Enable thumbnails in tabs.

Yeah, I know about the "Right click" way, but it's not the easy one (comparing to the simple middle click on the edge of the tab bar when it's on the top of the window). Don't know hot can they solve it though, quite a challenging issue.

Edit: just checked it again (placing tab bar on the left) and now thumbnails turing on/off doesn't work at all - like I wrote: "buggy" :)

Are you using a modern version of Opera? I have 30 something tabs open and the New Tab button is still visible.

11.50 here, the newest one I guess. Do they have a bug reporting page? Might report them those couple of issues.

I remember reading years ago that id was considering using vortex graphics for Quake2 and Carmack had even started to work on it, but they abandoned the idea seeing that industry is heading into "more polygons!" thing (the context: it was a time when 3dfx released Voodoo2, nVidia was starting to gain popularity (Riva TNT2) and first Unreal was on a horizon).

Yeah, I think it's a mix of those two things - my list is composed of: a) people I interacted a lot recently b) people I interacted a lot in the past (and then almost not at all for a long time) c) people I haven't really interacted at all

"c" must come from H2, "a" from H4 and that leaves "b" as either flaw in H4 or also a H2 - the latter would be a good news for me because people from that category are actually girls I gave up on a long time ago thinking they are not interested in me ;)

'..."c" must come from H2, "a" from H4 and that leaves "b" as either flaw in H4 or also a H2..."

^^ false dilemma, no?

For me the huge news here is that they're making Diablo 3. I'm so out of the loop when it comes to games.

There's a whole community over on reddit worth looking over. Lots of Diablo 3 information.


As far as I know Spain (from 2 years of living in that country) it's not really like that: "carne" means just "meat" and "red meat from cows" is "ternera". And "bistec" is what omaranto said.

I think they've learnt a lot from BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/ (also in terms of how they coverage news).

Edit: http://www.bbc.co.uk might be even better example of a good news site design.

Of course the BBC doesn't have to deal with advertising. I'm assuming why their site is so "clean".

Depends how much Chinese government care about keeping Apple happy and how strong are connections of store owners with a (local) gov.

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