In v8 environments like browser or node, source maps work, so if you inject console.trace you can get printf debugging w/ legible stack traces on each log line, at least that’s my experience with c code compiled with Emscripten.
According to this 2020 blog post from Google, the Chrome debugger appears to have pretty full featured support for interactive debugging, although I’ve never needed to use it.
Regarding using WebAssembly as a plugin API, like for zed:
how do plugin developers debug their code?
Is there a way for them to do breakpoint debugging for example? What happens if their code crash, do they get a stacktrace?
I code Rust just fine without any fancy IDE you should give it a shot. The languages I find hardest to code without fancy IDE features are C and C++ due to their implicit casts. Rust is typically easy to code without IDE features due to its strong type system, lifetimes and few implicit casts.
Rust is one of my favorite new languages, but this is just wrong.
> few implicit casts
Just because it doesn't (often) implicitly convert/pun raw types doesn't mean it has "few implicit casts". Rust has large amounts implicit conversion behavior (e.g. deref coercion, implicit into), and semi-implicit behavior (e.g. even regular explicit ".into()" distances conversion behavior and the target type in code). The affordances offered by these features are significant--I like using them in many cases--but it's not exactly turning over a new leaf re: explicitness.
Without good editor support for e.g. figuring out which "into" implementation is being called by a "return x.into()" statement, working in large and unfamiliar Rust codebases can be just as much of a chore as rawdogging C++ in no-plugins vim.
Like so many Rust features, it's not breaking with specific semantics available in prior languages in its niche (C++); rather, it's providing the same or similar semantics in a much more consciously designed and user focused way.
> lifetimes
How do lifetimes help (or interact with) IDE-less coding friendliness? These seem orthogonal to me.
Lastly, I think Rust macros are the best pro-IDE argument here. Compared to C/C++, the lower effort required (and higher quality of tooling available) to quickly expand or parse Rust macros means that IDE support for macro-heavy code tends to be much better, and much better out of the box without editor customization, in Rust. That's not an endorsement of macro-everything-all-the-time, just an observation re: IDE support.
Have you actually tried coding Rust without IDE support? I have. I code C and Rust professionally with basically only syntax highlighting.
As for how lifetimes help? One of the more annoying parts of coding C is to constantly have to look up who owns a returned pointer. Should it be freed or not?
And I do not find into() to be an issue in practice.
> curious if anyone has ideas how an LLM provider could moat AI
By knowing a lot about me, like the details of my relationships, my interests, my work. The LLM would then be able to be better function than the other LLMs. OpenAI already made steps in that direction by learning facts about you.
By offering services only possible by integrating with other industries, like restaurants, banks, etc... This take years to do, and other companies will take years to catch up, especially if you setup exclusivity clauses. There's lots of ways to slow down your competitors when you are the first to do something.
Forget about forking, just offering a build of Chromium for a single platform and architecture that gets the security updates in time is a lot of work.