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Yes, and? People are different. There are Europeans who dream of living in the US, and Americans who dream of living in Europe. There are short people who wish to be taller and tall people who wish to be shorter.

I think you missed the point? We have a saying in the UK that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

In other words, you may think some other job would be a lot easier or more enjoyable until you are doing that exact job everyday and dreaming of doing something else for a living.

We have investigated ourselves and found that we did nothing wrong.

Are you saying Supreme court of India is in bed with Modi? That is a very strong accusation. Modi didn't investigate himself and give himself a clean chit. He was been scrutinised by Supreme Court of India multiple times. And we have much better functioning courts. Many BJP party members who has been found guilty of various things have been punished by Courts. This BBC propaganda piece has been made now only because Modi didn't do as per the wishes of war mongering western governments.

> Are you saying Supreme court of India is in bed with Modi?

Ummm.... Yes

If you have some proof, then just leak it to the Indian media. They love scandals. I don't think they are in bed with Modi. Not every supreme court judge is willing to do favors for post retirement benefits.

> I don't think they are in bed with Modi

I don't know what bridge you are trying to sell here. The Indian media is known as modia for a reason. NDTV, the only center channel had a hostile takeover. The TV media is a joke focused 74% on stoking Hindu Muslim conflict and attacking anyone who passes a negative comment about Modi.

> war mongering western governments

What do you mean?

ref is to India's stance on Ukraine war.

I am unaware of the official stance. Would add to the pile I guess.

You say this as if you assume poor whites are racist by default and the poor of the other races are "enlightened" by default.

No. I say this because media and those in power have perfected the ability to portray black organizing in a menacing way. And portraying programs that help poor people in racial rather than class terms. So a farmer getting government subsidies or a poor white person getting welfare can be pissed off at “welfare queens” because the latter are associated with being lazy blacks and the former with being down on their luck.

Another thing that the media has perfected is jumping to conclusions about the inner workings of minds like “blacks” and “the white working class”. It was for example simply assumed that Trump was solely boosted by “poor whites”, when in fact it seemed that more affluent, petite bourgoisie whites played a large role in boosting him.

But to the media? Nah, don’t have to look too closely at the seams: just assume that it is the powerful trailer park whites who caused Trump. And then upper-middle class [white] liberals—irony of all ironies—lament the class-unconsciousness of poor whites, simply because the NYT told them that that is how they operate. Oh, but if those materially poor whites would only see some reason; then we could all band together against the 1%.

Don’t count on the upper-middle class to help unify anything or anyone, though. Not post-Occupy Wall Street.

I’m under no illusion that upper middle class want to actually effect change. Upper middle class whites are content to put BLM signs in their yards so long as “they” don’t move into their neighborhoods.

I think though that one should not discount racial politics and media bias as a major contributing factor to why so many poor whites vote against their economic interests. I think LBJ had it right with his quote:


I like how Faulkner put it: In the South they love the man and hate the race and in the North they love the race and hate the man. Desegregation lead to closed pool politics and helped with the decline of union membership. There is definitely an aspect of spite within white politics. To wit: let’s all suffer to keep an undeserving minority from getting something.

Nothing ironic about everyone pointing the finger at each other for not “getting” their common interest. Nothing at all.

Keep getting in touch with the soul of the working man through LBJ.

Nothing quite like sarcasm whilst making a sweeping, incorrect generalization about what I wrote. LBJ, like all people, had faults but his statements should be assessed on their merits and not discounted simply because of his flaws.

Why should a company be forced to continue to pay for employees they aren't in need of?

Because other countries have decided that "we need to make our quarterly earnings look good" isn't a good enough reason to can half your staff over. If you fire an employee at anytime it's just unpredictable (and inefficient) contract work.

Where did I say companies should be forced to pay for employees they don't need? I didn't say that.

What I did say is that this is yet another move by business to pay you less and offer you less security for your labor - because let's be honest, that's what this is. Companies will go with the lowest bidder they think can get the job done. Do you really want to have a race to the bottom for the price of your labor?

And for that matter, how do you think unions, tenure, weekends, 40 hr workweeks, PTO, sick leave, health benefits, and a whole other myriad of benefits for your labor came about? I guarantee you its certainly NOT because people in the past viewed their labor value as purely transactional to themselves and their employers.

You as an employee have far more to lose.

I believe they feel that their ideology is the ultimate force for positive change, and they become so lost in it that they are willing to do objectively wrong things under the rationalization that they're nuetralizing a threat to the idealogy.

Again, that's just what I think makes sense and personally believe. It's certainly possible I'm incorrect.

Im almost certain that they would have heavily tested and analyzed the balloon and its payload as soon as it got near the US to ensure that there were no unusual emmisions coming from it.

Yeah I've seen a lot of people who seem to believe that the prompts they give ChatGPT aren't being cataloged and saved when they certainly are.

It sends every prompt you give it to a server, by design it has to as the model is far too computationally expensive to run locally.

> Yeah I've seen a lot of people who seem to believe that the prompts they give ChatGPT aren't being cataloged and saved when they certainly are.

Are you sure there are a lot of people who believe that? The UI literally saves the prompts on the left side.

Well, there are enough people using it for work. So at the very least, they don't care about potentially leaking confidential information.

> Many big corporations need to be counter-weight with some other big organization.

Such as labor boards, or rather the government that gives them power.

> Not to be rude but...

And then you proceeded to intentionally use rude and abrasive language.

You can disagree with someone and challenge their opinion without using phrases like "who gives a shit" and "let it go".

Because young people don't die often, the requirement to be a "leading cause" isn't very high. According to the article Covid ranks 8th in causes of death with about 1,300 deaths in the 0-19 age range last year.

Not saying it isn't an issue, that's still 1,300 dead kids, but the headline seems (to me, at least) a bit sensationalized.

The real qualifier is a bit further down the article,

> ...the leading cause of death from infectious disease.

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