Unfortunately its not a mirror. Some extensions have licensing issues that prevent them from being on open-vsx. For example PlatformIO. I ran into this issue earlier this week when trying to set up Windsurf which uses open-vsx.
It's really nothing like Django, which is a full stack development framework. This is more akin to Django REST Framework or Django Ninja which are REST API frameworks that sit on top of Django.
EDIT: just an FYI for everyone interested, here's a bit of info about how Proxmox is handling it. TL;DR Spice is still at least maintained until 2029, so it's not going to just go away anytime soon.
I have a pretty similar experience. It's slower and worse translation (at least for Dutch) than the TWP extension, but hey it's local translation and I'd rather use this than send the contents of browser to a 3rd party like google, bing or yandex.
- Connect (tunnel) to that code-server from vscode.dev using the Remote Development extension
One small reason to do it with two steps like that as opposed to a single "box" of coder/code-server is that you get Microsoft hosting the bandwidth multiple megabytes of files to download and a reliable single PWA to install for however many linux servers you want to remote develop on.
Because of https://ghuntley.com/fracture - same problem applies that only official builds can access marketplace etc.
(I use code-server day to day but it’s a problem. No real solution. Suggest folks look at https://GitHub.com/coder/coder to provision environments w/code-server btw)