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This is so disappointing. Zuckerberg's frustration is palpable. I sympathize in a 'no good deed' sense.

He spent millions trying to fix education. And what was his reward? At best the experiment failed. But we saw how the power structures felt threatened by his experiment.

And now I see presidents refusing to leave office and presidents' administrations pushing media censorship. Everyone should be concerned about this move towards Oceania.

He did not try to fix education but make himself more powerful; what does fix education even mean? Nice of a few people to demand we all march towards such high minded hallucinations like sheep.

Humanity has been here before and chosen to not point up the hierarchy and bow to what’s there; so sad a few rich CEOs are being demeaned for their meat suits invalid belief the rest of us give a specific fuck they exist

80% of the 1900s Fortune 500 are gone

Latin is not the dominant language

Americans don’t live by British idioms

Humanity will move on from Zuckerberg and everything he accomplishes; propping those guys up is like trying to preserve a fart; physics will diffuse social awareness Zuck existed and eventually reclaim his mush n goo. Humanity is a Ship of Theseus, always replacing planks due to generational churn; what a shock a new generation doesn’t find value in aging rich people who they can see hands on lacks life skills and is just engaged in managing wealth

<900k cops in the US, inclusive of local, county, state, federal. <600k politicians. The awful leadership in America is all thanks to tens of millions of adult members of the public who prostrate themselves before the rich.

What is a dynamic, adhoc query? Why does adding 1=1 support that?

Lets say its 2001 and you are writing some hot e-commerce stuff in plain php. You want to filter data depending on multiple fields in the submitted form. If some field is there, you add one more "AND" clause to the "WHERE", like this: if (isset($_POST['product'])) { $query .= "AND product = " . $_POST['product']; }. So in order not to check every time if the added clause is the first one you start with "WHERE 1=1 ", as "WHERE AND ..." would not work.

Php has nothing like this?

In [1]: "... WHERE " + " AND ".join(str(i) for i in range(4))

Out[1]: '... WHERE 0 AND 1 AND 2 AND 3'

Very strange.

This will produce broken SQL on empty clauses list. Very strange.

You're quite right, but this is easily fixed. That doesn't change my question, since something like this is much easier that the other logic.

The easiest fix for this is the "WHERE 1=1" or "WHERE true"

I get how this isn't good. But how else would you handle multi-field filtering, keep all the ANDs and use (product_id = $1 OR $1 IS NULL) so the unset filters are no-op? That's ok as long as the query planner is smart enough.

In this case. A query that you build by adding different strings. 1=1 is for adding AND statements to the WHERE clause dynamically. In your code. I never seen it used for anything else. Adhoc is just the practice of running raw SQL queries.

So you end up with things like this.

"SELECT * FROM Music WHERE 1=1" + "AND category='rock'"

The risk is now that you by mistake allow for SQL-injections but also every genre will generate a different query plan. Depending on what SQL engine you use this may hurt performance.

And one would think that this is a thing of the past. But it is not.

I'm wondering that as well. I don't get that suggestion at all.

I would love to try it, but I think the problem is hard enough to explain to an adult. I think it's difficult to describe the constraints. I've tried to explain this problem to adults and they just didn't really get it and the problem sounds like either a riddle or a bunch of nonsense rather than a physics problem with deep implications for the laws of nature.

I'm reading about this man but really struggling to understand what his philosophy is, or what he actually did it said that was racist. I feel like everyone is beating around the bush.

That said, my concern is that the label 'radicalization', itself, will be weaponized. Some things are inflammatory. That doesnt mean they should be censored.

George Floyd being murdered certainly radicalized people. As a result we had riots and even killings. But I certainly don't want BLM advocates shut down for radicalizing people.

In the period this report concerns he was a fairly standard "racist libertarian" type. His videos promoted revisionist narratives around the impact of police violence on racial minorities, antisemitic theories regarding the US-Israel relationship and Israeli-Palestenian conflict, and scientific racism. Apart from the racist beliefs, there was plenty of anti-communism including apologetics for McCarthyism. If you were an active observer of the growth of the Alt Right movement, you'd know he was a major part of that.

As the report states, he was banned from Youtube in 2020. I haven't been paying close attention to that, but he seems to be more in the Jordan Peterson/Andrew Tate sphere of appealing to disenfranchised men on gender issues now.

Sorry I really want to understand this comment. Can you help?

> Since anything could only be brought in through diplomatic pouches it created an attack vector of one.

Are you presenting that as a good or bad thing? If there is only one attack vector, that makes it easier to defend against, right?

> One official let something slip, which meant a bug had somehow gotten into the scif.

You mean the North Korean or German official?

The NK official probably mentioned something that was only said in the SCIF

And I'm guessing the diplomatic pouches aren't fully in the custody of the german gov at all times there? idk


How can one write such a long blog post and barely even discuss the actual reasoning behind Trinko?

No, it's better to just lie about it and blame conservatives for a unanimous decision.

Ruling that the FTC did not have authority to impose such rules is hardly politicizing from the bench. That is, infact, exactly their job. Unlike, say, inventing a constitutional right to privacy out of thin air (but just try having a discussion about that without being shouted down).

Instead, what politicians, and particlarly left wingers, have consistently shown is their desire to decide market winners and losers based on their own political whims.

I just want to thank you for this effort post. It looks like the general thrust of 'pedestrian and cyclist fatalities are increasing' may be true, even if the particular examples given are not

Every few years there's a new strategy in teaching reading. And we find out that the last strategy was totally wrong but not to worry--this one is based on science.

I know nothing about this topic, but it always seems like window dressing on some deeper issue. How the hell can half of kids not read?

During the pandemic, my kids (at home) observed that there were many kids playing Taming.IO from school ALL DAY long, every weekday.

It’s more remarkable that half CAN read.

Very cool, simple, and easy. This is exactly what demos should be.

I appreciate your comment because I think I am usually on the other side.

Considering that I'm usually on the side of "its already illegal, making it more illegal won't help", I've struggled for a long time to express what exactly was the problem with e.g. automated surveillance, because I couldn't express it in a way that was convincing even to myself.

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