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One thing not mentioned in the article is the use of pesticide. Were the peels organic, or do the pesticides naturally degrade in a harmless way?

I don’t know where people get the idea that pesticides are forever chemicals. All of them denature, The problem is sometimes not before they reach your table

Chloripyriphos (sp?) are probably the longest lasting one and they don’t use them in any first world country and they’re half-life is something like 60 days

The days of ddt are passed

Assuming and making up numbers for pesticide XYZ degrades in 6 months.

First what is degrades is that 100% or 50%? Is that based on just because it’s no longer effective? Does your statement change if considering dumping huge amounts in a highly concentrated area? Does that concentrate what small percentage remains after 6 months, 6 years etc and does that change the conditions of decay for the stuff at the bottom of the pile, middle, top?

Just seems like dumping a 1000 trucks worth of something might introduce some new factors into the equation. But yeah, I’d be more worried about living near or down stream of a rotting orange sludge landfill that’s pulsating with fly larvae I guess in the end than the pesticides, not that people who tend to live near these dump sites really have a choice one way or another.

We live in a giant compost heap best to respect the biomass

Yes, modern pesticides degrade. Farmers keep very detailed spray records and fields have essentially "lock out, tag out" times after certain spray applications. Other sprays can't be applied X number of days before harvest, because the application's degradation isn't complete. After harvest, produce who's skin is consumed, like apples, go through a "drencher" and later "dump tank", to perform more washing of the produce's skin.

>One thing not mentioned in the article is the use of pesticide. Were the peels organic, or do the pesticides naturally degrade in a harmless way?

Seems irrelevant, presumably they wash them before juicing them.

Congrats on adding a project supposedly using an LLM to you resume, but it doesn't seem to do anything useful. "fox" and "beta" both led to a small shake, which as a user I would think indicates they are not words in the English language. "Flowery" returned a definition of: "full of, re­sem­bling, or smelling of flow­ers—e.g., a flow­ery meadow, flow­ery wall­pa­per"

This app appears to be a limited but somewhat artsy front-end for an (incomplete) dictionary

The dictionary preview is limited to the nth letter of the alphabet, where n is the day of the month, as hinted by the search box’s placeholder.

Try looking up any word that starts with S, assuming it’s June 19th in your time zone.

https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts Wild how much money we (US taxpayers) give them.

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