It seems contradictory to care immensely about traffic safety but lament the idea of wearing a vest to cross the street. It seems like something that logically we should probably already be doing. Self driving cars are just making it more obvious.
>It seems contradictory to care immensely about [school] safety but lament the idea of wearing a [bulletproof] vest to [enter] the [school].
(Or be subjected to a metal detector screening, etc.)
No, it's perfectly consistent. The argument is that the underlying problem shouldn't exist to any significant extent in the first place, and doesn't need to (and doesn't in many other parts of the world).
A lot of traffic safety issues in North America derive from road design, which has historically prioritized the needs and wants of car drivers above everyone else. It is not "contradictory" to reject a solution that entails doing even more to accommodate cars.
Somewhat unrelated: I’m looking for a comprehensive overview of why the CAGED system works on guitar. I see lots of mechanical explanations of how to use it to play various chords down the neck, but nothing explaining the theory behind it.
I was super obsessed with this for a while! When you have a string instrument tuned in 4ths, there are 2D patterns that emerge which you can use to "derive" or "extrapolate" what a scale shape/pattern will look like across the whole neck
You can find a 2D pattern in the white notes (green notes in the pic) that you can use to understand how the pattern will extend from a given point. For example notice EF+BC always appear in the same 2x2 box shape. Also how those boxes repeat in a diagonal line, and how boxes are connected vertically by a "strip" of 3 notes ADG
The only difference for guitar is that you have to correct for the G/B strings which are separated by a 3rd instead of a 4th, by scooting the pattern on the B+E strings up by one fret
CAGED is descriptive, ie it's the result of someone noticing "we all know these chord shapes, and they have some useful properties which can contribute to your fretboard knowledge". Those properties are:
- those 5 chords are the first you learn, and mechanically easy to play in open position, so you know them by heart
- the CAGED 'order' (C then A then G etc) matches the order in which octaves of the same root appear as you go up the neck, therefore CAGED is a good way of visualising octaves (see how in the 'C-shapes' column the chords 'share' root notes when played in that order up the neck)
- each chord matches a root note position (C: top part of the neck box on the 5th string, A: bottom part of the neck box on the 5th string, etc), therefore if you're playing a scale, no matter what position you're playing it in, you can choose a CAGED chord to overlay on it and easily find the root, third, and fifths (see how in the 'C major scale' column, you can overlay each chord onto one way of playing the C major scale)
- learning these mnemonics should eventually help you 'unlock' the guitar neck, ie have an intuitive knowledge of what intervals you're playing and how to build melodic lines with them
Generally, music theory 'works' because it describes why things sound good. It's not theory that informs what sounds good, rather theory attempts to describe what sounds good and build patterns which will help theory learners, in turn, make music which sounds good.
Open chord shapes are just the barre shapes but the nut becomes fret zero that's barred. Looking at it this way it's easy to see why they can be moved around the neck. The shape remains the same because the relationship of the strings and the notes on them remain the same. Like root-3rd-5th would remain the same relationship only with a different tone combination.
By the way I think the most difficult thing about CAGED is that it's way too overhyped. It promises too much (scales?) but delivers too little. (Doesn't even have minors)
I've seen a few complaints about the limitations of CAGED so I've been trying to focus on theory rather than just mindlessly learn tricks and regurgitate songs. Having a lot of fun so far.
The book I'm reading (recommended in another comment) does talk about minor forms of CAGED forms, though - pentatonic scale patterns, arpeggio patterns, and chord forms.
Almost everything I've seen about CAGED is retrofits. CAGED is chord based. By definition it's only 3 notes (some repeated). Scales start from 5 and go up to 7 notes. It's a whole "draw the rest of the fucking owl" situation. Might as well learn what a scale is and consruct the arpeggios, triads, chords with guitar at hand. That's a much better learning experience.
Take a look at Fretboard Theory by Desi Serna - it spends a lot of time on how different scales are constructed and relating different patterns and chord forms back to the underlying concepts.
gptel is great because it does exactly what you would expect and stays up to date with new models from anthropic and openai. Before settling on gptel, I went through FOUR programs that had a lot of buzz but were not being kept up to date with new models!
gptel has joined magit and undo-tree in being so damn useful and reliable that they are keeping me from ditching emacs, even though I want to.
Yes, its called transient and it’s pretty simple to use for your own projects. I wrote a transient for my work tasks and now ex. Creating a new youtrack issue is effortless.
Personally I ditched undo-tree for Vundo (visual undo), which has all the functionality that I need from undo-tree whilst being significantly lighter. Give it a spin!
Yeah, I like a lot about VS code and it feels far less annoying to use. It just sucks that there's no undo equivalent to undo-tree, the Git equivalents are not up to snuff (I just end up using CLI, which is fine I guess). But gptel is also super useful, and there's no good VS code equivalent I've found for that either.
wgrep is nice, I use it very rarely but its useful. I did not know about wdired, looking that up now, looks very cool, you are NOT helping me escape this damned editor..
I've got a lot of Lisp experience, and love Emacs' values and ecosystem. I still use neovim regularly because of a tangle security, a sound sure-footedness of action, derived from consistency and latency. It takes a combination of confident action on the users part and confident response from the machine to perpetuate the user's experience of both speed and intrusive confidence. (IMO) Emacs fails to deliver this experience plainly in latency due to the main thread blocking (even with more the 8MB of RAM). It fails partly due to the greater variety of modes and (as an evil user) lack of "core" support for Vim bindings, creating a higher sense of care and vigilance, but I really that could be over-come if one's config is kept small and the ecosystem tuned more towards robustness and optimization in visible UI, tactile UI, and multi-threading.
In favor of what, I don't know. Something that explicitly aspires to feature-parity with a modern-emacs stack (vertico/corfu/marginalia/transient/tramp), but which sacrifices some aspect of the platform's flexibility (eg. make plugins use transient and allow consistent global user prefs) to prioritize consistency, latency, and robustness for the sake of UX.
She came from wealth, dude, her parents manufactured her success at a young age. Did you seriously listen to that music and think it was grassroots success from raw talent?
What it is is highly marketable. There's no denying she has talent -- as a savvy businesswoman -- to crack the code of what her audience wants to hear so well she can churn out music that people will pay top dollar to see performed live.
I’ve spent a fair amount of time with Acme because it’s fun, but you’re not misunderstanding anything. Anyone who unironically tries assert the superiority of their niche editor is delusional and/or full of shit. It’s just personal preference.
I'm not trying to have an argument about the superiority of any specific editor, but to try to better understand those preferences for one workflow over another. I could be missing something that would make my own workflow better.
For example, you could elaborate on what makes Acme fun.
We already know the side-effects of the alternative because Western society as a whole has been living them.
It's bad. The obesity epidemic causes pretty much everything bad. This drug doesn't just solve one thing, it solves hundreds or thousands of things all at once.
It is such a fucking no-brainer. The costs of obesity, both monetary and in terms of human suffering, are staggering. Absolutely fucking staggering. We should be making this as available as humanly possible, NOW.