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1. Three national corporations control nearly all of San Francisco's live music (dnalounge.com)
2 points by thought_alarm on Feb 1, 2018 | past | 1 comment
2. Swift Language: Access Control and protected (developer.apple.com)
9 points by thought_alarm on Aug 20, 2014 | past
3. A Tablet Isn’t a Large Phone (carpeaqua.com)
1 point by thought_alarm on March 30, 2011 | past
4. Standalone Commodore 64 BASIC on the iPhone/iPad (pagetable.com)
3 points by thought_alarm on Oct 18, 2010 | past
5. Build times sneak up on you. (dadhacker.com)
13 points by thought_alarm on July 14, 2010 | past | 1 comment

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