1. | | Stripe blocks small dev sales and wants to refund $100k from legit purchases (twitter.com/imarcossi) |
10 points by soneca 59 days ago | past | 1 comment
2. | | Ask HN: Best way to create an AI chat interface for consulting a book content? |
1 point by soneca 8 months ago | past
3. | | [flagged] Ask HN: Why is OpenAI firing Sam Altman such a big deal? |
141 points by soneca 10 months ago | past | 138 comments
4. | | Ask HN: Why AA Inflight WiFi network stuck into my phone forever? |
2 points by soneca on Sept 28, 2023 | past
5. | | The greatest tech books of all time (theverge.com) |
1 point by soneca on June 30, 2023 | past | 1 comment
6. | | Ask HN: Good book on rust, the chemical process not the programming language |
1 point by soneca on May 12, 2023 | past | 3 comments
7. | | I Found Perfect Correlation Between Chess Player Rating and ACPL and Stdcpl (medium.com/rafaelvleite82) |
4 points by soneca on Oct 4, 2022 | past
8. | | David Gerrold predicting smartphones in 1999 (twitter.com/estherschindler) |
1 point by soneca on Sept 17, 2022 | past
9. | | Ask HN: Is there a globe with the exact shape of the Earth? |
12 points by soneca on Aug 22, 2022 | past | 15 comments
10. | | Show HN: A riddle game to find the right spots in famous paintings (paintingpuzzles.com) |
2 points by soneca on June 2, 2022 | past
11. | | Are Cryptocurrencies Currencies? Bitcoin as Legal Tender in El Salvador [pdf] (uchicago.edu) |
1 point by soneca on May 4, 2022 | past
12. | | Poll: What PR option would you prefer to review? |
4 points by soneca on April 7, 2022 | past | 2 comments
13. | | CSS Polaroid camera (cssartist.com) |
2 points by soneca on Jan 19, 2022 | past
14. | | Ask HN: What should I learn to build side-projects in AR or VR? |
11 points by soneca on Nov 6, 2021 | past | 6 comments
15. | | Ask HN: What is the cost/risk for US companies hire remote outside US? |
6 points by soneca on Oct 17, 2021 | past | 5 comments
16. | | While posting to Tumblr, E and W keys just stopped working (twitter.com/foone) |
364 points by soneca on Sept 21, 2021 | past | 257 comments
17. | | The Death of Behavioral Economics (thebehavioralscientist.com) |
45 points by soneca on Aug 29, 2021 | past | 20 comments
18. | | Painting Puzzles – game based on National Gallery of Art open access policy (paintingpuzzles.com) |
2 points by soneca on March 27, 2021 | past
19. | | Show HN: A Shareable Journal (quidsentio.com) |
1 point by soneca on Jan 31, 2021 | past
20. | | Poland Uses Clams to Control Its Water Supply (boredpanda.com) |
3 points by soneca on Dec 30, 2020 | past
21. | | How important are strong written communication skills to get hired? (writingfordevelopers.substack.com) |
3 points by soneca on Nov 23, 2020 | past
22. | | ‘The Social Dilemma’ Review: Unplug and Run (nytimes.com) |
4 points by soneca on Sept 11, 2020 | past
23. | | Building a shareable personal journal alone using React, Netlify, S3, FaunaDB (quidsentio.com) |
3 points by soneca on July 25, 2020 | past
24. | | Views of Tokyo, Japan, 1913-1915 [video] (youtube.com) |
1 point by soneca on July 23, 2020 | past
25. | | The complete sales history of modest indie hit game Curious Expedition (codecks.io) |
1 point by soneca on July 21, 2020 | past
26. | | Export your Facebook status posts to a searchable personal journal (quidsentio.com) |
3 points by soneca on July 21, 2020 | past
27. | | The Anti-Anarchist Cookbook (epsilontheory.com) |
2 points by soneca on July 9, 2020 | past
28. | | Journal Types and Writing Techniques (quidsentio.com) |
2 points by soneca on July 8, 2020 | past
29. | | Show HN: Social network with no ads, no tracking, no likes, no contact spam (quidsentio.com) |
1 point by soneca on July 7, 2020 | past
30. | | A Guide to Start Journaling (quidsentio.com) |
3 points by soneca on July 7, 2020 | past
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