1. | | 30k Pages of Federal Reserve Board Meeting Minutes (crisesnotes.com) |
2 points by snewe 79 days ago | past | 1 comment
2. | | Senate Passes Crowdfunding Bill With Added Protections (allthingsd.com) |
1 point by snewe on March 22, 2012 | past
3. | | Groupon and Zynga Founders Get Extra Clout Before IPOs (wsj.com) |
1 point by snewe on Oct 28, 2011 | past
4. | | House Panel Backs Bill Boosting Nonpublic-Firm Shareholder Limit (businessweek.com) |
2 points by snewe on Oct 6, 2011 | past
5. | | A Revamped Delicious Increases Imagery & Adds “Stacks” (searchengineland.com) |
1 point by snewe on Sept 29, 2011 | past
6. | | ‘Headless’ Rounds Ride Into Town, Helped by Kevin Rose (pehub.com) |
3 points by snewe on April 28, 2011 | past
7. | | Guitar World Turns iPad Into a Daily Music Teacher (gigaom.com) |
1 point by snewe on Nov 16, 2010 | past
8. | | Wufoo API Contest Winners (wufoo.com) |
2 points by snewe on Sept 21, 2010 | past
9. | | Your product is great, but I don’t understand it (sproutbox.com) |
19 points by snewe on July 12, 2010 | past | 4 comments
10. | | The Story Behind EMC's Acquisition of Greenplum (beyondvc.com) |
1 point by snewe on July 7, 2010 | past
11. | | Forms On Your 404’s (wufoo.com) |
2 points by snewe on June 23, 2010 | past
12. | | Quora Now Open to the Public (quora.com) |
4 points by snewe on June 21, 2010 | past
13. | | Supreme Court Still Considering "Business Process Patents" (patentlyo.com) |
1 point by snewe on June 1, 2010 | past
14. | | A new Chrome stable release for Mac and Linux (chrome.blogspot.com) |
5 points by snewe on May 25, 2010 | past | 1 comment
15. | | Facebook to launch privacy overhaul (ft.com) |
2 points by snewe on May 21, 2010 | past
16. | | Applying to Incubators? A Little Research Goes A Long Way (capitalfactory.com) |
1 point by snewe on May 11, 2010 | past
17. | | Did Traders Really "Make a Fortune" During Crash of 05/06/10? (kedrosky.com) |
1 point by snewe on May 8, 2010 | past
18. | | Threadsy Launches Message Consolidation Public Beta (gigaom.com) |
1 point by snewe on May 5, 2010 | past
19. | | What Makes Groupon Tick (techcrunch.com) |
5 points by snewe on May 2, 2010 | past
20. | | Twitter Unveils Plans to Draw Money From Ads (nytimes.com) |
47 points by snewe on April 13, 2010 | past | 24 comments
21. | | Personal Assistants in the Cloud (fancyhands.com) |
6 points by snewe on April 6, 2010 | past | 1 comment
22. | | Is it a feature or product? (beyondvc.com) |
3 points by snewe on March 30, 2010 | past
23. | | PE Firm Plans Open LTE Network to Challenge AT&T and Verizon (gigaom.com) |
2 points by snewe on March 29, 2010 | past
24. | | Gravity Launches (gravity.com) |
15 points by snewe on March 26, 2010 | past | 16 comments
25. | | Apple is now accepting iPad app submissions (tuaw.com) |
1 point by snewe on March 20, 2010 | past
26. | | Filtering Social Media To Find Signal Out Of Noise (avc.com) |
1 point by snewe on March 16, 2010 | past
27. | | Techstars' Investment Results (techstars.org) |
4 points by snewe on March 12, 2010 | past
28. | | Joi Ito: Formal vs informal education (ito.com) |
23 points by snewe on March 12, 2010 | past | 4 comments
29. | | Google Apps Marketplace (google.com) |
24 points by snewe on March 10, 2010 | past | 2 comments
30. | | The First YC Conference (ycombinator.posterous.com) |
116 points by snewe on Feb 23, 2010 | past | 45 comments
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