1. | | Once Upon A Time At the MIT AI Lab (twopoint718.github.com) |
1 point by rbxbx on Sept 3, 2012 | past
2. | | RestKit Object Mapping with RubyMotion (thunderboltlabs.com) |
10 points by rbxbx on Aug 2, 2012 | past | 1 comment
3. | | Parallel Haskell Digest #9 (well-typed.com) |
2 points by rbxbx on April 20, 2012 | past
4. | | Dave Thomas on OOP – Commercially successful but practically a disaster (msdn.com) |
2 points by rbxbx on April 18, 2012 | past
5. | | GVM – The Go Version Manager (moovweb.com) |
3 points by rbxbx on March 22, 2012 | past
6. | | Programming Paradigms and Expressive Power (lispcast.com) |
2 points by rbxbx on Feb 10, 2012 | past
7. | | Haskell: OOP vs type classes (haskell.org) |
75 points by rbxbx on Dec 20, 2011 | past | 13 comments
8. | | Monadic Design Patterns for the Web (msdn.com) |
1 point by rbxbx on Dec 16, 2011 | past
9. | | The Problem with Blogging is Blogging (rbxbx.tumblr.com) |
1 point by rbxbx on Oct 23, 2011 | past
10. | | Behavior Driven Outside In Development Explained (knwang.com) |
2 points by rbxbx on Oct 11, 2011 | past
11. | | Clojure and the Future for Programmers like me (exampler.com) |
8 points by rbxbx on Sept 30, 2011 | past | 2 comments
12. | | Effortless Ctags with Git (function indexing etc, for your editor) (tbaggery.com) |
6 points by rbxbx on Aug 9, 2011 | past
13. | | Loosecubes - The Airbnb for Workspaces (techcrunch.com) |
2 points by rbxbx on July 8, 2011 | past
14. | | Fabrication: object generation for Ruby (fixtures alternative) (fabricationgem.org) |
3 points by rbxbx on June 15, 2011 | past
15. | | Using RubyInline for Optimization (segment7.net) |
1 point by rbxbx on May 31, 2011 | past
16. | | Hardformat - Reaching for the sublime in music design (hardformat.org) |
1 point by rbxbx on May 19, 2011 | past
17. | | BNF Converter - A multilingual lexer/parser generator (chalmers.se) |
2 points by rbxbx on April 1, 2011 | past
18. | | Settling the RSpec/Test::Unit debate once and for all (testaligncentaur.com) |
6 points by rbxbx on April 1, 2011 | past
19. | | The Battle Against Slow Payers (wsj.com) |
1 point by rbxbx on Feb 14, 2011 | past
20. | | Poll: How do you sexually identify? |
2 points by rbxbx on Feb 3, 2011 | past | 2 comments
21. | | Pure CSS Isometric Bar Chart (shaneriley.tumblr.com) |
10 points by rbxbx on Feb 3, 2011 | past | 1 comment
22. | | "Objects are a poor man's closures.." (OOP in Scheme) (okmij.org) |
10 points by rbxbx on Jan 11, 2011 | past
23. | | Successful Lisp: How to Understand and Use Common Lisp (psg.com) |
63 points by rbxbx on Jan 10, 2011 | past | 7 comments
24. | | Vimward - Dynamically filtered Vim cheat sheet (vimward.com) |
8 points by rbxbx on Jan 8, 2011 | past | 3 comments
25. | | The Joy of Stats - Now Available (on youtube) (gapminder.org) |
1 point by rbxbx on Dec 30, 2010 | past
26. | | The Y Combinator (Slight Return) (mvanier.livejournal.com) |
3 points by rbxbx on Dec 20, 2010 | past
27. | | The simplest definition I can give for Big-O notation is this: (stackoverflow.com) |
2 points by rbxbx on Dec 17, 2010 | past
28. | | Monads in Ruby (a 3 part series) (rydia.net) |
2 points by rbxbx on Dec 12, 2010 | past
29. | | The Minimalist Guide to Leaving Your Soul-Crushing Day Job (lifehacker.com) |
1 point by rbxbx on Dec 10, 2010 | past
30. | | So, Why is Wikileaks a Good Thing Again? (sowhyiswikileaksagoodthingagain.com) |
13 points by rbxbx on Dec 6, 2010 | past
More |