1. | | PostgreSQL 10 is available on AWS RDS |
1 point by rachbelaid on Feb 27, 2018 | past | 1 comment
2. | | PostgreSQL's Hash Indexes Are Now Cool (rhaas.blogspot.com) |
214 points by rachbelaid on Sept 27, 2017 | past | 38 comments
3. | | Logical Replication committed in PostgreSQL (github.com/postgres) |
5 points by rachbelaid on Jan 21, 2017 | past
4. | | Kubernetes 1.5 released (kubernetes.io) |
1 point by rachbelaid on Dec 15, 2016 | past
5. | | Implement table partitioning (postgresql.org) |
190 points by rachbelaid on Dec 8, 2016 | past | 56 comments
6. | | Pyston 0.6 released (pyston.org) |
5 points by rachbelaid on Nov 29, 2016 | past
7. | | Citus 6.0 – A database designed for multi-tenancy (citusdata.com) |
18 points by rachbelaid on Nov 15, 2016 | past | 1 comment
8. | | Amazon RDS now supports PostgreSQL 9.6.1 (postgresql.org) |
273 points by rachbelaid on Nov 15, 2016 | past | 81 comments
9. | | Nuitka Progress in 2015 – Python Compiler (nuitka.net) |
166 points by rachbelaid on Jan 29, 2016 | past | 52 comments
10. | | Google and Red Hat Integrate OpenShift Dedicated and Google Cloud Platform (googlecloudplatform.blogspot.com) |
2 points by rachbelaid on Jan 25, 2016 | past
11. | | BDDon’t: The Practice and Tools of BDD (thoughtworks.github.io) |
9 points by rachbelaid on Dec 17, 2015 | past | 1 comment
12. | | When are we going to contribute BDR to PostgreSQL (2ndquadrant.com) |
2 points by rachbelaid on Dec 4, 2015 | past | 1 comment
13. | | Planning Parallel and Distributed Queries in PostgreSQL (rhaas.blogspot.com) |
1 point by rachbelaid on Oct 30, 2015 | past
14. | | Uber petition against TFL (London) (uber.org) |
1 point by rachbelaid on Sept 29, 2015 | past
15. | | Software engineering for food (mellisberry.com) |
1 point by rachbelaid on Sept 29, 2015 | past
16. | | The Good Country Index (goodcountry.org) |
1 point by rachbelaid on July 15, 2015 | past
17. | | Game theory in the Dark Knight (tompotoms.wordpress.com) |
1 point by rachbelaid on May 30, 2015 | past
18. | | UPSERT commited in Postgres 9.5 (github.com/postgres) |
1 point by rachbelaid on May 8, 2015 | past
19. | | You Might Need JQuery [Paul Irish] (docs.google.com) |
2 points by rachbelaid on April 20, 2015 | past
20. | | Parallel Sequential Scan for PostgreSQL 9.5 (rhaas.blogspot.com) |
5 points by rachbelaid on March 18, 2015 | past
21. | | Harvard's healthy eating pyramid is excluding dairy products (hsph.harvard.edu) |
1 point by rachbelaid on March 5, 2015 | past
22. | | Reliable Asynchronous Event Transport Protocol (github.com/saltstack) |
2 points by rachbelaid on March 3, 2015 | past
23. | | Coordination Avoidance in Database Systems [pdf] (vldb.org) |
1 point by rachbelaid on Feb 23, 2015 | past
24. | | My First LLVM Compiler (wilfred.me.uk) |
8 points by rachbelaid on Feb 22, 2015 | past
25. | | Platter - Python build/deployment tool (pocoo.org) |
3 points by rachbelaid on Feb 15, 2015 | past
26. | | Stateful toggle using only CSS (petelada.com) |
1 point by rachbelaid on Feb 12, 2015 | past
27. | | YC Open-Source Sales Agreement (blog.ycombinator.com) |
271 points by rachbelaid on Feb 11, 2015 | past | 83 comments
28. | | Apple, Your Developer Agreement Tramples on Free Speech and Innova (eff.org) |
1 point by rachbelaid on Jan 8, 2015 | past
29. | | Reverse ungineering (lvh.io) |
2 points by rachbelaid on Dec 30, 2014 | past
30. | | What's this pg_shard thing? (databasesoup.com) |
1 point by rachbelaid on Dec 4, 2014 | past
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