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1. SpaceX to sue Air Force to compete for launch contracts (arstechnica.com)
2 points by pieter on April 26, 2014 | past
2. How I got robbed of 34 btc on Mt.Gox today (bitcointalk.org)
235 points by pieter on April 11, 2013 | past | 243 comments
3. Announcing Range Retrievals for Amazon Glacier (pastebin.com)
5 points by pieter on Nov 15, 2012 | past
4. Using multiple IP addresses on Amazon EC2 (silkapp.com)
1 point by pieter on July 9, 2012 | past
5. Git 1.7.8 release notes (lkml.org)
11 points by pieter on Dec 5, 2011 | past | 2 comments
6. NodeJS maintainers don't respond to fixes for Node 0.6.x after 4 months (github.com/cloudhead)
2 points by pieter on Nov 11, 2011 | past
7. Ask HN: How does your startup manage user logins?
5 points by pieter on Aug 24, 2011 | past | 1 comment
8. Dutch provider to charge extra for use of Whatsapp, Skype, etc.. (nu.nl)
2 points by pieter on April 21, 2011 | past | 1 comment
9. APNIC is the first RIR that has depleted its IPv4 pool (apnic.net)
5 points by pieter on April 14, 2011 | past | 4 comments
10. First look: Adobe Color Lava, Adobe Eazel, and Adobe Nav (macworld.com)
1 point by pieter on April 11, 2011 | past
11. Cable-backed anti-muni broadband bill advances in North Carolina (arstechnica.com)
68 points by pieter on March 30, 2011 | past | 30 comments
12. Major Canadian ISP admits throttling World of Warcraft (arstechnica.com)
93 points by pieter on March 28, 2011 | past | 32 comments
13. IPv6 transitioning protocols, part 2 (potaroo.net)
2 points by pieter on March 28, 2011 | past
14. Transitioning Protocols (for IPv6) (potaroo.net)
2 points by pieter on March 15, 2011 | past
15. Mac OS X 10.7, still no DHCPv6 (seclists.org)
52 points by pieter on Feb 27, 2011 | past | 25 comments
16. NVIDIA's Project Kal-El: Quad-Core A9s Coming to Smartphones/Tablets This Year (anandtech.com)
1 point by pieter on Feb 16, 2011 | past
17. Anandtech's Sandy Bridge review (anandtech.com)
8 points by pieter on Jan 3, 2011 | past | 1 comment
18. Anandtech's iPhone 4 review (anandtech.com)
44 points by pieter on June 30, 2010 | past | 16 comments
19. New LLVM C++ Standard Library (llvm.org)
38 points by pieter on May 11, 2010 | past | 10 comments
20. Ask HN: Any way to invalidate cookies?
5 points by pieter on April 30, 2010 | past | 5 comments
21. LLVM 2.7 released (llvm.org)
10 points by pieter on April 27, 2010 | past
22. Apple's wager (arstechnica.com)
3 points by pieter on April 12, 2010 | past
23. It's all about the framework (devwhy.com)
48 points by pieter on April 12, 2010 | past | 10 comments
24. Amazing feats of Clang Error Recovery (llvm.org)
112 points by pieter on April 6, 2010 | past | 18 comments
25. Game Table: Classic board games for the Apple iPad (gametableapp.com)
12 points by pieter on March 27, 2010 | past | 12 comments
26. Palm WebOS, Pre and Pixi – Where Are We Now? (anandtech.com)
3 points by pieter on March 23, 2010 | past
27. Flash on HP's Slate (hp.com)
1 point by pieter on March 8, 2010 | past
28. Adobe CTO on Flash for Mac (adobe.com)
26 points by pieter on Feb 4, 2010 | past | 34 comments
29. OmniGroup: iPad or Bust (omnigroup.com)
1 point by pieter on Jan 30, 2010 | past
30. NVIDIA Introduces dual Cortex A9 based Tegra 2 (anandtech.com)
5 points by pieter on Jan 7, 2010 | past | 1 comment

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