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1. Autonomous docking with the ISS Simulator in 100 LOC
2 points by ivarvong on June 24, 2020 | past
2. The death of the internet (theoutline.com)
3 points by ivarvong on Dec 4, 2017 | past
3. Cloudflare Postmortem: Network Performance Issues in Multiple Locations (cloudflarestatus.com)
2 points by ivarvong on May 3, 2017 | past
4. Functional Programming in Erlang (futurelearn.com)
83 points by ivarvong on Feb 20, 2017 | past | 1 comment
5. Why We Built the Record (opennews.org)
3 points by ivarvong on April 7, 2016 | past
6. Satoshi's PGP Keys Are Probably Backdated and Point to a Hoax (vice.com)
17 points by ivarvong on Dec 9, 2015 | past | 3 comments
7. Fast hacks: GameDay Live, a second-screen experiment in about 14 hours (mozillaopennews.org)
1 point by ivarvong on Jan 7, 2013 | past

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