1. | | So Long, Mom (A Song for World War III) (tomlehrersongs.com) |
5 points by dllthomas on Nov 15, 2022 | past
2. | | The Mote in God's Eye (1974) (wikipedia.org) |
1 point by dllthomas on July 9, 2019 | past | 1 comment
3. | | John Hughes – Building on Developers' Intuitions (youtube.com) |
2 points by dllthomas on March 16, 2019 | past
4. | | Show HN: SQL Viewer – UI for uber/queryparser, written in Haskell (github.com/dlthomas) |
88 points by dllthomas on Oct 21, 2018 | past | 9 comments
5. | | State machine testing with Hedgehog (teh.id.au) |
1 point by dllthomas on July 17, 2017 | past
6. | | The Power of Negative Thinking (re: exceptions and type theory) (existentialtype.wordpress.com) |
2 points by dllthomas on Nov 18, 2015 | past
7. | | Load streamed data into vim quickfix buffer (bash) |
1 point by dllthomas on Nov 5, 2015 | past
8. | | Snowdrift (gondwanaland.com) |
10 points by dllthomas on Dec 2, 2014 | past | 2 comments
9. | | Snowdrift – sustainable crowdfunding for free software development (joeyh.name) |
1 point by dllthomas on Dec 1, 2014 | past
10. | | Launch Snowdrift.coop (fund-drive) (tilt.com) |
4 points by dllthomas on Dec 1, 2014 | past
11. | | HTerm – The Graphical Terminal (41j.com) |
2 points by dllthomas on Nov 19, 2014 | past
12. | | Snowdrift.coop: The Funding Dilemma (linux-magazine.com) |
1 point by dllthomas on Oct 22, 2014 | past
13. | | UCSC Ebola Genome Portal (ucsc.edu) |
1 point by dllthomas on Sept 24, 2014 | past
14. | | [dupe] The Abject Failure of Weak Typing (realestate.com.au) |
4 points by dllthomas on May 29, 2014 | past | 3 comments
15. | | 2048 in bash (github.com/dlthomas) |
2 points by dllthomas on May 7, 2014 | past | 6 comments
16. | | The Case for Formal Verification (2013) (gmane.org) |
172 points by dllthomas on April 20, 2014 | past | 108 comments
17. | | Smart Guy Productivity Pitfalls (bookofhook.blogspot.com) |
1 point by dllthomas on April 10, 2014 | past
18. | | Race for Rogers' seat is wide open in 8th Congressional District (detroitnews.com) |
1 point by dllthomas on March 28, 2014 | past
19. | | Snowden Was Justified (intelligencesquaredus.org) |
1 point by dllthomas on Feb 20, 2014 | past
20. | | Computing the Perfect Model: Why Do Economists Shun Simulation? [pdf] (iastate.edu) |
38 points by dllthomas on Jan 21, 2014 | past | 30 comments
21. | | Why Charles Stross Doesn’t Know a Thing about Bitcoin (bitcoinmagazine.com) |
44 points by dllthomas on Jan 9, 2014 | past | 73 comments
22. | | Tim Draper Wants To Split California Into Pieces (techcrunch.com) |
1 point by dllthomas on Dec 20, 2013 | past
23. | | Keeping Track of All the Snowden Documents (schneier.com) |
1 point by dllthomas on Dec 3, 2013 | past
24. | | Tor Appliance (schneier.com) |
94 points by dllthomas on Nov 28, 2013 | past | 24 comments
25. | | Fokirtor (schneier.com) |
1 point by dllthomas on Nov 19, 2013 | past
26. | | Why the Government Should Help Leakers (schneier.com) |
9 points by dllthomas on Nov 8, 2013 | past
27. | | Darpa Contest for Fully-Automated Network Defense (schneier.com) |
2 points by dllthomas on Oct 24, 2013 | past
28. | | Detaining David Miranda (schneier.com) |
138 points by dllthomas on Aug 27, 2013 | past | 42 comments
29. | | [dupe] The NSA is Commandeering the Internet (schneier.com) |
255 points by dllthomas on Aug 15, 2013 | past | 126 comments
30. | | NSA Snooped on Innocent Americans’ Private Calls from Iraq (wired.com) |
4 points by dllthomas on Aug 10, 2013 | past
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