1. | | A Manifesto for Tech Interviewees | |
3 points by cutler on March 9, 2022 | past | 2 comments
2. | | What's left for solo devs in a cloud-centric world? | |
5 points by cutler on July 5, 2021 | past | 12 comments
3. | | Facebook May Have Once Used Coldfusion | |
10 points by cutler on Feb 7, 2021 | past | 10 comments
4. | | Ask HN: Spec of Facebook's First Server? | |
1 point by cutler on May 8, 2020 | past
5. | | Personal Programmer? | |
2 points by cutler on Nov 5, 2019 | past
6. | | Create React App (294Mb) Compared with Re-Frame (72Mb) | |
12 points by cutler on Oct 10, 2019 | past | 10 comments
7. | | Node_modules Is a Cancer | |
1 point by cutler on May 30, 2019 | past
8. | | Ask HN: Sources of part-time programming income? | |
3 points by cutler on Sept 12, 2017 | past | 1 comment
9. | | Ask HN: Wikileaks tech stack? | |
6 points by cutler on Aug 12, 2017 | past
10. | | Ruby gem output has declined significantly in recent months | |
3 points by cutler on July 29, 2017 | past | 5 comments
11. | | Ask HN: Why is Angular 2 size acceptable? | |
2 points by cutler on Sept 29, 2016 | past | 7 comments
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