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1. Ask HN: How to set up a tech stack/engineering practices for a new team?
6 points by chris11 on April 14, 2017 | past | 9 comments
2. A main developer for VLC is doing an AMA on reddit (reddit.com)
1 point by chris11 on March 18, 2011 | past
3. Derek Sivers: How to start a movement (ted.com)
6 points by chris11 on June 18, 2010 | past
4. Michael Geist, Canadian law professor, does IAMA on reddit (reddit.com)
1 point by chris11 on June 11, 2010 | past
5. US government rescinds 'leave Internet alone' policy (theregister.co.uk)
42 points by chris11 on Feb 28, 2010 | past | 9 comments
6. Worlds most resiliant tracking (thepiratebay.org)
5 points by chris11 on Nov 17, 2009 | past
7. Ask HN: How many of you have ereaders?
1 point by chris11 on Sept 3, 2009 | past | 1 comment
8. MTV wants engineering students for reality tv show (oodle.com)
1 point by chris11 on June 30, 2009 | past | 1 comment
9. No bias found in TPB case (torrentfreak.com)
1 point by chris11 on June 25, 2009 | past
10. Amazon doesn't verify ownership of blogs when it sells feeds (techcrunch.com)
1 point by chris11 on May 15, 2009 | past
11. Pirate Bay officially loses case (torrentfreak.com)
226 points by chris11 on April 17, 2009 | past | 164 comments
12. Zecco says it was a bug, not a prank (consumerist.com)
3 points by chris11 on April 6, 2009 | past
13. Wikileaks.de domain owner raided (wikileaks.org)
59 points by chris11 on March 25, 2009 | past | 12 comments
14. A few hidden commands (networkworld.com)
1 point by chris11 on March 24, 2009 | past
15. TomTom sues Microsoft. (softpedia.com)
1 point by chris11 on March 20, 2009 | past
16. How to do great research (paulgraham.com)
6 points by chris11 on March 20, 2009 | past | 1 comment
17. Hackers are people too [vid] (video.google.fr)
1 point by chris11 on March 17, 2009 | past
18. Obama to recover 165m in potential AIG bonuses (nytimes.com)
1 point by chris11 on March 17, 2009 | past
19. Dilution of quality in social aggregators (discerniblepreferences.com)
7 points by chris11 on March 11, 2009 | past
20. History of the MIT Technology Hackers Association (csail.mit.edu)
2 points by chris11 on March 9, 2009 | past
21. A few speed bumps (Lisp blog series) (funcall.blogspot.com)
24 points by chris11 on March 9, 2009 | past | 4 comments
22. GM will go bust unless it gets another $15bn. Best case sees 47k jobs cut. (guardian.co.uk)
2 points by chris11 on March 5, 2009 | past
23. Alan Fong on teaching starcraft at Berkeley (gosugamers.net)
4 points by chris11 on March 3, 2009 | past | 2 comments
24. Pirate Bay down, not connected to the trial. (torrentfreak.com)
1 point by chris11 on March 2, 2009 | past | 1 comment
25. The first open source Unix based OS wasn't Linux. (salon.com)
37 points by chris11 on Feb 21, 2009 | past | 32 comments
26. Last.fm staff member denies they gave data to the RIAA (last.fm)
59 points by chris11 on Feb 21, 2009 | past | 19 comments
27. Law firm sues to force startup to make anchor text contain the full url (slate.com)
50 points by chris11 on Feb 19, 2009 | past | 19 comments
28. Windows will give free upgrade to 7 for some Vista users (techarp.com)
1 point by chris11 on Feb 12, 2009 | past
29. Embrace Failure (uni.edu)
2 points by chris11 on Feb 10, 2009 | past
30. Windows 7 starter limited to three apps. (wsj.com)
4 points by chris11 on Feb 10, 2009 | past | 1 comment

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