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1. Show HN: Visual scale of money (stacks of $100 bills in realistic size in WebGL) (alteredqualia.com)
7 points by bd on Aug 18, 2018 | past
2. Photorealistic facial texture inference using deep neural networks (creativeai.net)
2 points by bd on Dec 5, 2016 | past
3. Concerns for global spread of Zika mean Rio de Janeiro Olympics must not proceed (harvardpublichealthreview.org)
432 points by bd on May 11, 2016 | past | 202 comments
4. Show HN: Uncanny Valley – Interactive WebGL and WebAudio Demo (fractalfantasy.net)
38 points by bd on Oct 7, 2015 | past | 14 comments
5. Show HN: Uncanny Valley – interactive WebGL and WebAudio Demo (fractalfantasy.net)
1 point by bd on Oct 6, 2015 | past
6. The Illustris project: a large cosmological simulation of galaxy formation (illustris-project.org)
4 points by bd on May 8, 2014 | past
7. Nokia WebGL Earth with 3d terrain and textured buildings (nokia.com)
18 points by bd on Oct 20, 2011 | past | 2 comments
8. No Comply: Mozilla WebGL demo (mozillademos.org)
5 points by bd on March 25, 2011 | past | 1 comment
9. Molehill - Adobe's new HW accelerated 3D APIs for Flash (adobe.com)
46 points by bd on Oct 25, 2010 | past | 15 comments
10. Zynga And Facebook Are Killing Soap Operas (businessinsider.com)
1 point by bd on Sept 18, 2010 | past
11. Scenes from Street Fighter 3 & Alpha in autostereoscopic 3D on iPad [video] (youtube.com)
3 points by bd on Sept 17, 2010 | past
12. Show HN: Deepwater Horizon oil spill infographics in HTML5 (alteredqualia.com)
1 point by bd on July 24, 2010 | past
13. Holography without lasers: hand-drawn holograms (amasci.com)
71 points by bd on June 27, 2010 | past | 9 comments
14. Selling $20 bills for a hundred dollars - Max Bazerman on negotiation (mfinley.com)
31 points by bd on June 13, 2010 | past | 4 comments
15. Water Type by Mr.doob (mrdoob.com)
1 point by bd on June 4, 2010 | past | 1 comment
16. Show HN: CubeOut - remake of classic game Blockout in HTML 5 (alteredqualia.com)
2 points by bd on May 19, 2010 | past
17. Show HN: CanvasMol molecule viewer (JS + canvas demo) (alteredqualia.com)
72 points by bd on April 24, 2010 | past | 11 comments
18. Spiral optical illusion: JS canvas rendering demonstration how it works (alteredqualia.com)
1 point by bd on April 12, 2010 | past
19. A Dramatic Demonstration of the Power of Mental Frames by Simon Singh [video] (youtube.com)
36 points by bd on March 13, 2010 | past | 15 comments
20. Fate of a Social Games Company: The story of what happened to PMOG (raphkoster.com)
2 points by bd on March 12, 2010 | past
21. Effort shock: how the Karate Kid ruined the modern world (johndiesattheend.com)
158 points by bd on March 9, 2010 | past | 71 comments
22. Jesse Schell’s mindblowing talk on the future of games (fury.com)
159 points by bd on Feb 22, 2010 | past | 33 comments
23. Average Social Gamer Is a 43-Year-Old Woman (gigaom.com)
1 point by bd on Feb 17, 2010 | past
24. David Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 min (ted.com)
4 points by bd on Jan 20, 2010 | past
25. Chinese Government To Police Social Games (techcrunch.com)
2 points by bd on Dec 16, 2009 | past
26. As More Asian Developers Build for Facebook, Regional Usage Patterns Change (insidefacebook.com)
4 points by bd on Dec 11, 2009 | past | 1 comment
27. Tech Adoption, Then and Now (kedrosky.com)
4 points by bd on Nov 30, 2009 | past
28. Morphological computing (jwz.livejournal.com)
23 points by bd on Nov 30, 2009 | past | 2 comments
29. Evidence of life on Mars lurks beneath surface of meteorite, Nasa experts claim (timesonline.co.uk)
14 points by bd on Nov 27, 2009 | past
30. Another World level ported to Javascript (megidish.net)
69 points by bd on Nov 7, 2009 | past | 19 comments

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