1. | | T-Mobile USA IPv6 Beta program (sites.google.com) | |
1 point by ay on Jan 20, 2012 | past | 1 comment
2. | | IPv6 is here to stay (networkworld.com) | |
4 points by ay on June 11, 2011 | past
3. | | 20% of top 500 sites are now IPv6-enabled (nokia.com) | |
1 point by ay on June 8, 2011 | past
4. | | Live broadcast with English translation of Japan news (ustream.tv) | |
2 points by ay on March 12, 2011 | past
5. | | Show HN: a hash-based Lua code snippet store | |
2 points by ay on Jan 6, 2011 | past | 3 comments
6. | | A big news website in Norway lights up the IPv6 tomorrow (vgb.no) | |
1 point by ay on Oct 25, 2010 | past
7. | | HSBC upgrading their infrastructure to IPv6 (v3.co.uk) | |
1 point by ay on Oct 7, 2010 | past | 1 comment
8. | | Feed search engines with SHA1 hashes to compare their coverage (bnpcs.blogspot.com) | |
1 point by ay on June 6, 2010 | past
9. | | Ask HN: Please review my hobby project "Test V6" | |
1 point by ay on May 1, 2010 | past
10. | | Displaying http:// in the UI is no more (code.google.com) | |
3 points by ay on April 18, 2010 | past | 2 comments
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