1. | | Italian supervolcano "Phlegraean Fields" is showing signs of waking up (earth.com) |
36 points by MPSimmons 84 days ago | past | 9 comments
2. | | Timeline of the 2020 Election (Wikipedia) (wikipedia.org) |
2 points by MPSimmons 3 months ago | past
3. | | Media Analyzer Pro, a free, in-browser media analysis tool (media-analyzer.pro) |
3 points by MPSimmons 7 months ago | past
4. | | Why does The Gimp have a green pepper brush? (reddit.com) |
6 points by MPSimmons 10 months ago | past | 1 comment
5. | | Varda Space Industries raises $90M in Series B (spacenews.com) |
1 point by MPSimmons 10 months ago | past
6. | | Gravity as a Knob paper on how Varda Space tests crystal growth on Earth (acs.org) |
2 points by MPSimmons 11 months ago | past
7. | | Knowledge Workers as a Political Class (2013) (standalone-sysadmin.com) |
3 points by MPSimmons on Dec 31, 2023 | past
8. | | LLMs are sort of like Plinko boards (reddit.com) |
1 point by MPSimmons on Nov 16, 2023 | past
9. | | Varda Space Industries looks at Australia for future capsule landings (arstechnica.com) |
2 points by MPSimmons on Oct 20, 2023 | past
10. | | We farm emus for their oil (wikipedia.org) |
2 points by MPSimmons on Sept 12, 2023 | past | 1 comment
11. | | Dispatcher saves two people by facetiming them after their boat sinks (youtube.com) |
2 points by MPSimmons on June 26, 2022 | past
12. | | OneWeb will resume satellite launches with SpaceX as the launch provider (oneweb.net) |
335 points by MPSimmons on March 21, 2022 | past | 275 comments
13. | | US Dept of Education forgives loans of DeVry University students due to fraud (npr.org) |
4 points by MPSimmons on Feb 18, 2022 | past
14. | | JavaScript-based name generator for JavaScript names (frontendfunctionnamegenerator.com) |
2 points by MPSimmons on Feb 15, 2021 | past
15. | | Al-Adudi Hospital (wikipedia.org) |
121 points by MPSimmons on Nov 25, 2020 | past | 39 comments
16. | | The Age of the Road Warrior (1995) (time.com) |
1 point by MPSimmons on Sept 1, 2020 | past
17. | | A tiger in a New York zoo has been found to have Covid-19 (usda.gov) |
2 points by MPSimmons on April 10, 2020 | past | 1 comment
18. | | The moral (and financial) reasons to self-isolate (medium.com/damian_38402) |
3 points by MPSimmons on March 14, 2020 | past
19. | | BCP38 – Network filtering you can enact to help stop DDOS (ietf.org) |
4 points by MPSimmons on Oct 22, 2016 | past
20. | | Skylight – A Window on Shingled Disk Operation [video] (youtube.com) |
4 points by MPSimmons on Aug 5, 2015 | past
21. | | Stop hating your stuff. Iterate and improve: Lessons I learned from Iron Man (standalone-sysadmin.com) |
2 points by MPSimmons on Aug 4, 2015 | past | 1 comment
22. | | Oh, just file a bug? (funnelfiasco.com) |
2 points by MPSimmons on April 28, 2015 | past
23. | | Bespoke, Hand-Crafted Engineer (usenix.org) |
1 point by MPSimmons on Nov 13, 2014 | past
24. | | Getting metrics out of Zimbra (standalone-sysadmin.com) |
1 point by MPSimmons on Sept 7, 2014 | past
25. | | Time Since Install is the new Uptime (standalone-sysadmin.com) |
1 point by MPSimmons on July 16, 2014 | past
26. | | The difference between SRE, SysAdmin, and DevOps (standalone-sysadmin.com) |
1 point by MPSimmons on June 2, 2014 | past
27. | | Disaster prevention technique: The Pre-Mortem (risk-ology.com) |
1 point by MPSimmons on April 22, 2014 | past
28. | | Pope Francis as a "Turnaround CEO" (economist.com) |
5 points by MPSimmons on April 21, 2014 | past
29. | | Just what we need. Another package manager. (standalone-sysadmin.com) |
45 points by MPSimmons on March 18, 2014 | past | 65 comments
30. | | Knowledge Workers as a Political Class? (standalone-sysadmin.com) |
2 points by MPSimmons on Dec 31, 2013 | past
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