Hacker News new | past | comments | ask | show | jobs | submit | 0xhh's submissions login
1. Show HN: AI Text Summarizer for Android Based on Summarygenerator.com (play.google.com)
2 points by 0xhh on March 14, 2022 | past
2. Show HN: Decoding NOAA weather satellite images using Python (github.com/jch15)
8 points by 0xhh on Oct 24, 2021 | past
3. Ask HN: How does a blockchain server verifies the hash sent by a miner?
2 points by 0xhh on Sept 28, 2021 | past | 2 comments
4. Work in progress 3D renderer using SDL2(just for learning, only shows wireframe) (github.com/threadexception)
5 points by 0xhh on Sept 9, 2021 | past | 3 comments
5. Learn to write an emulator for Ben Eater's 8-bit breadboard computer in Python (threadexception.github.io)
1 point by 0xhh on July 13, 2021 | past | 1 comment
6. Poor man's blockchain Whale Transactions fetcher using whale-alert.io (github.com/threadexception)
2 points by 0xhh on July 9, 2021 | past
7. I made Ben Eater's 8-bit breadboard computer Emulator in C++ (github.com/0xhh)
112 points by 0xhh on June 26, 2021 | past | 11 comments

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