I was looking at Kotlin and was curious. It looks very interesting feature wise but I worry about its long term viability given it's low presence on GitHub[1] and < 40 users on #kotlin on Freenode IRC. Is this worth writing a big project in?
[1] https://github.com/search?o=desc&q=language%3AKotlin&ref=searchresults&s=stars&type=Repositories&utf8=
This is what I love about Kotlin:
- It is IMHO the best language to develop native application in Android by far.
- I was primarily a C# developer (still now) and I could pick up the language in a day. The language is quite small for people that has already known a programming language.
- JetBrains is taking their time to get the language right. There is no 'swift syndrome' here.
- They are really serious about the Java 100% compatibility.
- The IDE support is world class.
- It is a really pleasant language to use.
- JetBrains is actually using the language for their own products.
- The community is friendly and the language designers are approachable.
- You can really mix and match Java and Kotlin code in the same project. You don't have to use it only in a green field projects.