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It's really doesn't matter which VPN protocol or client you use its more about how the OS responds to IPv6 router and other service discovery requests.

Some OS's will grant IPv6 priority routing, and virtually all of them will issue DNS requests on both IPv6 and IPv4 if a DNS server is also configured on the IPv6 interface.

The DNS hijacking happens because a DNS request sent over IPv6 to a DNS server doesn't have to be for a AAAA entry, you can request simple A entries with DNS6. Since the attacker is on the same network his replies to your DNS requests would usually arrive much faster unless the entry is cached so they can return anything they want and they'll get their first :)

In that link you've posted the OP basically suggests that AirVPN client (which is i assume an OpenVPN preconfigured client) will configure the IPv6 address settings on the host with either real or dummy IPv6 routes to mitigate against these attacks.

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